Children over 14 in Georgia - Can they still choose?

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It certainly did.

A 14 year old can no longer choose.

In order to modify a custody agreement there now needs to be a change in circumstance, and the child's wishes do NOT in and of themselves constitute that change.

Their wishes may be taken into consideration once it gets to court but again, there first must be a change in circumstance.
These websites could be somewhat useful.

Be advised, every situation is different.

The biggest wildcard is the judge.

Bottom line, most judges place little if any weight on a child's preference.


Children are legal incompetents.

Courts are not required to even acknowledge their presence.

Some judges do, more judges don't.

Even when the child is allowed to express their wishes, that's all they are, wishes; as opposed to rights!

Proserpina is about as spot on as it gets in your case.

You might wish to consult an attorney.

Most attorneys will meet with you for free and do an initial consult and assessment. You could seek clarification on how much your local judges value a teenagers input.
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