Chuck of plastic in food from Taco Bell

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This past monday I had gotten some food from Taco Bell. When I got home I started eating the cheesy double beef burito, after a few bites I had bitten into something hard. After coughing it up I realized that it was a hard piece of plastic, slightly larger than a quarter. I was glad that it was me and not my girlfriend or my three year old son. I contacted Taco Bell and informed them of what had happened, plus saved the plastic. Two days later the store manager contacted me offering me my money back or $20 in free food. It seemed hardly worth it since we only spent $4, plus I could have seriously been injured from it. The regional manager than contacted me the following day and I met with her at the store. During the phone conversation she offered me free food for a week or my money back, I declined. She took pictures of the object and asked if I was surrendering this to them, I said no. I explained to the regional manager that it looked like the corner of the plastic storage bins they use to store food in over night. She got out one of the bins and said she couldn't say for sure but it did sort of look like it. But then said that all their stuff came in plastic bags so there was no way it could have gotten in there. I explained that they use those for storage over night in the cooler, but she replied again that all their stuff is in plastic bags. Now I know that they can not store them in the plastic bag they come in over night, and why would they have those plastic containers if they do not use them. They then turned it over to the insurance company. They had called em to take a voice recording of what had happened and asked me what I wanted, I told him I have never had to deal with anything like this and at this time was unsure of what was fair. The issuance guy stopped by and took a few pictures of his own and then said he was going to go to the store and look around to see what he could find. I explained to him it looked like a piece off of the containers for storing the food in the cooler. I really don't think that what they have offered me is fair considering it could have been my 3 year old son, who wanted the food, and what damage that could have done to him; or even my pregnant girlfriend. Can anyone give me some advice on what is fair in this matter? I am still continuing to monitor my throat just incase of infection. I don't want to take the chance of it coming down to that, but it doesn't mean that I didn't cut my throat when I was coughing it up.
You might have a case that the restaurant was negligent, but what are your damages? You could have been seriously injured, but you weren't. Your son could have eaten it, but he didn't. You could have a throat infection, but probably not, and only time will tell. You're not going to get punitive damages. You had some mild discomfort and thank God you're OK. Take the settlement and move on.
They haven't really offered anything. Either my $4 back, or food that I don't want, because who knows if it will happen again from them. This isn't the first time that they have had a complaint about something in the food. I am not saying that I want millions like other people would. I am just saying that I don't think my $4 back or $20 in food is really anything after almost choking on something that big, that is like a slap in the face. Almost like they are saying oh well, you didn't choke this time but let us give you more food and see if it happens again. I just don't know what would be fair to ask them for since they want to know what I want.
I am trying to be fair about this but like I said I have never had to deal with this before. I mean it's not like it was a hair in the food, I could see giving just a refund for that. This was a chunck of plastic that could have done major damage. So I really don't see some food or even $4 as fair. I just don't really know what would be too far to ask for. I am not the type to try to take all I can get, just what is fair. So really what is fair in this type of situation?
Sorry for the honesty and sarcasm, but if you don't know, how in the world would we know??? Wait - let me get my crystal ball and see what it may reveal. Oh, I see... it is a lawsuit going nowhere! Just because the plaintiff is playing the what is fair gaime, I see no possiblity of big money coming this way. I do see tough economic times triggering lawsuits for anything and everyting... Hmmm...I don't see a big payout or anything of the like though Oh... wait! I see something... if the plaintiff gets ill from some sort of yet to happen infection (per his posting), his medical bills may be covered but no damages, no pain and suffering money. I think that is fair. Thank you crystal ball!!
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Well like I said I am not looking for a big payout like everyone else is during this time. I just don't see a little bit a food or $4 fair. But I really don't know what is fair in this situation. I am not trying to make this into a big thing, I am just wondering what people think is fair.
Ask for a million dollars and the weekend off. You'll probably get one of the two.
You want what's fair, but that just pushes the question to a different level. So what do you think is fair?

My take: Nobody was hurt. Your meal was ruined. Unless you think they need to be "taught a lesson", what's fair is they replace the meal that was spoilt.
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