church/rental: question?? please help

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New Member
i live in PA, i rent a house from a small church i grew up in, the church about 4 years ago didn't have a pastor and only a handful of people still going there. they decided to rent the pasonage out to help pay bills hence i moved in. on the condition until they found a new pastor. we know come to the present 4 yrs. later i had a one year lease, it expired and i never signed a new one because my father was the landlord and last member of the church. there is now a lady who started to go to the church and wants to take it over. there are only 4 people going there right now and none of them are members of the church. my dad and uncle quit going but are the last members of the church and my dad has the deeds to the chuch and the house. this lady is trying to force me out of the house i rent and trying to take over the church. does she have any right to do that? what are my dad and uncle rights has the last deacons and members of the church. up until this week my dad took care of all bills,taxes,and repairs on everything, but he recieved a letter from a lawyer stated he had to turn over the money to this lady. please any help would be appreciated. if i wasn't for my rent money the church couldn't operate. can my dad sign a new lease to me and what is the max of years it could be. thanks.
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