Civil Action

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New Member
I was trying to find out the best way to proceed to this Civil Action Hearing Notice I just received in the mail. The Civil Action against me is from a Capital One Credit card. The judgment is for $1573.97 and I can not pay the full amount before the hearing date of 10/26/07. I tried to call Capital One and I was transferred to there charge off company and the charge off company gave me the name and number of the Attorney's office. I called the attorney's office to see what I could do about making payment arrangements and they stated that even if I made payment arrangements with them today and could not make the full amount by the court date a judgement would be filed agianst me with attorney fees and court costs. I asked what the Capital One Credit card spending limit was from the account, the attourney would not tell me he would just say that the account was opened in 2001 and when the account was charged off was 2003 for $1000. I never had a credit card with capital one for $1000. I had one capital one credit card for I think $300 I asked for a limit increase and they denied me the increase but sent me another capital one credit card with a limit of $500 instead. I did not ask for the second credit card they sent it to me with the card in the envelope and call this number to active this card and start spending today. Stupid me, I did that and so then my charges were being charged around 50 some percent with two cards instead of being charged 20 some percent on one card. I paid off the first Capital One Credit card. I do not know what the attorney fees would be and court cost that would be added on. I don't know if I go and contest the judgment in court and if I can get the amount reduced alot, because I can't afford to have my paycheck for one full month garnished by the judgment. The attorneys office for Capital One asked me if I thought I could get a loan to pay off the amout but that is defeating the purpose off paying off the judgment beacuse I will have to pay someone else intrest on the money I just used to pay them off. Any suggestions would be helpful.
You should answer the complaint in full.

Do not ignore it.

And do not rely on verbal assurances.
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