civil demand


New Member
I had went shopping at a mall I had first originally entered (deleted) and purchased almost $350 worth of merchandise, went from store to looking for a dress for my daughter I was with her on that day then came along other stuff when I was done I paid for what I have chosen but forgot to pay for a bracelet on the way out I was stopped, I had explain to the person that I forgot to pay for that I willing to do so but they did not believe I was embarrassed in front of 4 tr old daughter where to the point that she started crying pleading them not call the police they me sign some papers and then let me go. What should I do?
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Expect a letter of Civil demand. What you do is up to you but there can be consequences for not paying. Here is more info

In regards to "Accidental shoplifting read this

I am a Retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. What should you do? You wait to see if you even get letter. If you do then you have a decision to make on what to do next. I advise 90% of my clients to pay but again that is your decision to make
I removed the name of the store from your post. It is best not to post "personal" information.

As noted above, you most likely will receive a civil demand letter through the mail. Whether to pay is something you will have to decide. There "could be" consequences if you don't.