Civil Judgment nearly paid but now unemployed

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New Member
I had a wage garnishment for nearly 5 years and it was nearly paid. However, I lost my employment. Can I settle on the amount that is paid?

Also I had another civil judgment which has been paid. I still see the debt for that judgment on my CR report. How can I have the debt removed along with the civil judgment (because it has been paid).
You can always make a settlement offer.

You can not have the creditor removed until it has been inactive for 6 years 4 months. The Judgment will be a little longer. The best you can do is make sure that both show a zero balance.
So you are saying that the original debt/creditor cannot be removed even though the debt has been paid? Regarding the civil judgment, I understand that, however I hoped to at least have the debt removed.
Nope. It is part of your credit history until it gets old enough to fall off.
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