Civil rights?? where??

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I am a resident of Randolph County, Alabama. I am a victim of a false police report that was filed a year ago in Mitchell County, Georgia. For the past year, I have tried in vain to discover the reason that such a report would be filed, and to find why no action has been taken against the perpetrators of this slanderous report. This slanderous and totally false police report has left me financially and emotionally drained. The most devastating aspect of this situation is that I am an American citizen whose rights have obviously been violated, but for the past year I have been unable to get any justice. I have contacted attorneys and various other civil rights organizations, with no results due to confusion about jurisdiction. I am writing to you in hope that you will read my story and tell me how a police detective can write a false police report against me and get away with it. Here is what happened. Please take time to read this. I would appreciate any help you can provide.

On or about Sept 2, 2004 a police report which was made public by publication was written by an investigator Tim Williamson for the Mitchell County Sheriff's Department located in Mitchell County, Georgia. At this time I was just opening a flea market in Mitchell County, Georgia which was approved by the city council. This report included my name, social security number, date of birth and other personal identfiable information all made public. The report stated that Officer Tim Williamson received a phone call from a E. Z. Benefield who resides in Randolph County Alabama informing officer Williamson that I,Barry Cohen, was possibly running guns from Georgia to New York. Williamson contacted the Randolph County sheriffs office furthering putting me in a bad light where I reside. Investigator Chris May told Williamson he never saw any guns in the thrift storethat I had formerly owned in Randolph County. The report went on to give the appearance that I had run an illegal pawn shop out of the thrift store, which is absolute nonsense and false. There are several more allegations of illegal acts commited by Barry Cohen in this public police report which are all provably false. I asked Williamson to file charges of filing a false police report against E.Z. Benefield since I can prove all these allegations were false and he refused, telling me the venue was not in Georgia where the call was made from. I contacted Randolph County sheriffs office and asked them to file these charges. They told me the venue was in Georgia where the call was received. I asked both county's D. A. 's office and they both told me the venue was elsewhere. I contacted E.Z. Benefield's attorney through my attorney since I already had pending litagation pertaining to Mr. Benefield stealing from my business commenced prior to the police report. I felt if this phone call was made to the officer it was a vindictive act due to the litagation. I also feel this officer had no reason to make this an incident report and after speaking to several law enforcement agencies, this report was not standard procedure. Mr Benefield is neither
a certified informant or was he known to the Mitchell Couny Sheriff Department before the alleged phone call. I received a letter from Mr. Benefields attorney signed by Mr. Benefield stating he had never made any calls or spoken to any law enforcement concerning Barry Cohen. I feel officer Williamson has violated many of my civil rights under . I was obligated to inform my investors of the flea market of the investigation that officer Williamson had started. This did not sit well with people who have invested in my good business sense, honesty, and ethics. The investors refused to do any more investing or get involved with any legal actions. My buildings did not get built at the flea market and the city closed the flea market down claiming I violated a conditional use. There was no conditional use violated as the buildings were not part of the conditional use approved and it was very clear to me this report of me commiting illegal acts had gotton to the mayors office and they would use any excuse to shut me down. The statement from the next door business owner repeated from the city's attorney bothered me greatly. "Jews are not so tough". Why this statement was made is unknown to me and I was highly offended. Bottom line is the city had no right or good reason to close down my business, Williamson had no right or good reason to write this report. I have lost more than likely 100's of thousands of dollars if not millions in future earnings since this flea market took off bigger than expected not including my life savings I spent opening the flea market based on my good business sense. I am now ruined in business circles as well as in my reputation within that city. A magistrate judge was one of the investors and quickly backed away from this mess fearful that her rep would also be damaged. I told her I understood, but the fact is, I really don't understand how such a thing like this can go unanswered by every group I try and contact including the department of justice. For a year now I have writing and writing and no one seems to care about actions of a bad cop. After speaking to many people in that town, it is a trend with Williamson and falsifing documents and getting his way is OK by Sheriff Bozeman who I also wrote and got no answer. Can you help or guide me?

Question: If Benefield did not make the call, how did Williamson know I had ever had a business in Alabama?
Possible Answer: Williamson called the Randolph County sheriff office and spoke to Chris May (confirmed by officer Chris May) to find out about me for some reason, probably at the request of Mike Bankston (ex-judge), (city attorney) (closed door meetings were noted between Bankston and Williamson), or Benefield did indeed make the call.

Note: Mayor Powell and Bankston were both the hotels (next door where anti-semitic statement was made) lawyers. A huge conflict of interest since Mayor powell lead the inquiry to what contractor was being used for my buildings when I was still taking bids which the Zoning board was aware of. Note: The new hotel owner told me when he bought the hotel two months prior to this city action ( I was already open for several months) he wanted my flea market gone.
PostThriftStore said:
I am a resident of Randolph County, Alabama. I am a victim of a false police report that was filed a year ago in Mitchell County, Georgia. For the past year, I have tried in vain to discover the reason that such a report would be filed, and to find why no action has been taken against the perpetrators of this slanderous report. This slanderous and totally false police report has left me financially and emotionally drained. The most devastating aspect of this situation is that I am an American citizen whose rights have obviously been violated, but for the past year I have been unable to get any justice. I have contacted attorneys and various other civil rights organizations, with no results due to confusion about jurisdiction. I am writing to you in hope that you will read my story and tell me how a police detective can write a false police report against me and get away with it. Here is what happened. Please take time to read this. I would appreciate any help you can provide.

On or about Sept 2, 2004 a police report which was made public by publication was written by an investigator Tim Williamson for the Mitchell County Sheriff's Department located in Mitchell County, Georgia. At this time I was just opening a flea market in Mitchell County, Georgia which was approved by the city council. This report included my name, social security number, date of birth and other personal identfiable information all made public. The report stated that Officer Tim Williamson received a phone call from a E. Z. Benefield who resides in Randolph County Alabama informing officer Williamson that I,Barry Cohen, was possibly running guns from Georgia to New York. Williamson contacted the Randolph County sheriffs office furthering putting me in a bad light where I reside. Investigator Chris May told Williamson he never saw any guns in the thrift storethat I had formerly owned in Randolph County. The report went on to give the appearance that I had run an illegal pawn shop out of the thrift store, which is absolute nonsense and false. There are several more allegations of illegal acts commited by Barry Cohen in this public police report which are all provably false. I asked Williamson to file charges of filing a false police report against E.Z. Benefield since I can prove all these allegations were false and he refused, telling me the venue was not in Georgia where the call was made from. I contacted Randolph County sheriffs office and asked them to file these charges. They told me the venue was in Georgia where the call was received. I asked both county's D. A. 's office and they both told me the venue was elsewhere. I contacted E.Z. Benefield's attorney through my attorney since I already had pending litagation pertaining to Mr. Benefield stealing from my business commenced prior to the police report. I felt if this phone call was made to the officer it was a vindictive act due to the litagation. I also feel this officer had no reason to make this an incident report and after speaking to several law enforcement agencies, this report was not standard procedure. Mr Benefield is neither
a certified informant or was he known to the Mitchell Couny Sheriff Department before the alleged phone call. I received a letter from Mr. Benefields attorney signed by Mr. Benefield stating he had never made any calls or spoken to any law enforcement concerning Barry Cohen. I feel officer Williamson has violated many of my civil rights under . I was obligated to inform my investors of the flea market of the investigation that officer Williamson had started. This did not sit well with people who have invested in my good business sense, honesty, and ethics. The investors refused to do any more investing or get involved with any legal actions. My buildings did not get built at the flea market and the city closed the flea market down claiming I violated a conditional use. There was no conditional use violated as the buildings were not part of the conditional use approved and it was very clear to me this report of me commiting illegal acts had gotton to the mayors office and they would use any excuse to shut me down. The statement from the next door business owner repeated from the city's attorney bothered me greatly. "Jews are not so tough". Why this statement was made is unknown to me and I was highly offended. Bottom line is the city had no right or good reason to close down my business, Williamson had no right or good reason to write this report. I have lost more than likely 100's of thousands of dollars if not millions in future earnings since this flea market took off bigger than expected not including my life savings I spent opening the flea market based on my good business sense. I am now ruined in business circles as well as in my reputation within that city. A magistrate judge was one of the investors and quickly backed away from this mess fearful that her rep would also be damaged. I told her I understood, but the fact is, I really don't understand how such a thing like this can go unanswered by every group I try and contact including the department of justice. For a year now I have writing and writing and no one seems to care about actions of a bad cop. After speaking to many people in that town, it is a trend with Williamson and falsifing documents and getting his way is OK by Sheriff Bozeman who I also wrote and got no answer. Can you help or guide me?

Question: If Benefield did not make the call, how did Williamson know I had ever had a business in Alabama?
Possible Answer: Williamson called the Randolph County sheriff office and spoke to Chris May (confirmed by officer Chris May) to find out about me for some reason, probably at the request of Mike Bankston (ex-judge), (city attorney) (closed door meetings were noted between Bankston and Williamson), or Benefield did indeed make the call.

Note: Mayor Powell and Bankston were both the hotels (next door where anti-semitic statement was made) lawyers. A huge conflict of interest since Mayor powell lead the inquiry to what contractor was being used for my buildings when I was still taking bids which the Zoning board was aware of. Note: The new hotel owner told me when he bought the hotel two months prior to this city action ( I was already open for several months) he wanted my flea market gone.
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