Civil Service Employee harassing a contractor

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I am a contractor, site supervisor, on a Government Installation. I have been for 6 years now, although I got into supervision about 3 years ago. About 1 year ago my company hired a young, attractive female to fill a position. A civil servant, male (never married), developed a friendship with this young lady (contractor). I believe he was loaning her money and not making her pay it back, buying her lunch and other things, etc. The civil servant is around 50 and the female was 26 at the time. She was not performing, turning in fake doctor's notes, not following company procedures, socializing for more than 4 hours a day (normally with the same civil servant that is now harassing me), spreading rumors, and causing problems among the rest of my team. Each time something would happen I would council the employee and she would follow the rules for a couple of weeks and then do the same thing again. I was working with my boss to get rid of this individual. She ended up applying for FMLA, which made it more difficult for us to get rid of her. Eventually she left (quit).

After her last day the before mentioned civil servant started harassing me. During a fare-well luncheon, in which she only invited certain people (friends she had lied to and convinced she was right (the perfect little angle) and had done nothing wrong). This civil servant made statements of how he fully intended to get rid of my company, on this contract. He also went further in stating that he would do anything he could to get me fired. Normally I would have just ignored a statement like this and gone about normal business, but this civil servant has been put in a position to directly influence this contract, just before the young female quit her job (about 3 months before she quit).

This civil servant is harassing me through things that he says or does. Part of the job he was put into is Monitoring Contract tasks and helping rate our company on a monthly basis. Through this task monitoring he has manipulated things to say that I have been late on 1 of the tasks that I worked on. Even though I turned it in on the due date.

I have looked at the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations) and the document is so big I just don't know where to begin. I was hoping someone here would have some insight as to what I should do.

One other question would be:

Since this civil servant (government employee) has direct influence of this contract is he allowed to have anything to do with contracting anymore since he made public statements about getting rid of my company and firing me?

My father advised me that he did not think he could. My father has been in charge of gov. contracts. He is retired military (27 years). But he was not certain of this.

I know I have been not only stressed out because of that young female employee, but now I am stressed out because of this civil servant. This has been going on for about 4 months now. I am tired of it. My team is sick of it and it is causing problems among them and with our client. They are afraid that the contract they are on is going to be terminated, even though I ensure them that it is not. Two of my best employees have quit due to this. This civil servant is causing a hostile work environment. My employees are getting to the point that they do not want to work in the environment anymore.

Please advise. Thanks for any help/advise in advance.
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