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I filed a 1983 lawsuit because I was arrested upon an a warrants that did not meet the probable cause requirement in affidavit I was arrested april 2010 I pleaed guilty to the charges in sep.2013 also I pleaed guilty under alford v. northcali does my plea barr my suit
You pled guilty in September? As a general rule, once you plea you don't get a do-ever.
You filed a lawsuit way back in 1983 & now you were arrested in 2010 & pled guilty Sept. of this year - it's not likely you can change your current guilty plea if your guilty plea was accepted.
I filed a 1983 lawsuit because I was arrested upon an a warrants that did not meet the probable cause requirement in affidavit I was arrested april 2010 I pleaed guilty to the charges in sep.2013 also I pleaed guilty under alford v. northcali does my plea barr my suit

Oh, the infamous "Alford Plea".

Some refer to Alford Please and Coward Pleas.

Whatever one might call them, thousands languish in prison cages having plead using the Alford plea.

Meaningless, because its still a plea.

You admitted in open court that you did the deed, dude.

In an Alford Plea, allows the criminal defendant to avoid admitting the alleged misdeed or bad act, but says the defendant admits that the prosecution could likely prove the charge, if it went to trial.

It permits the court to pronounce the defendant guilty.

The defendant may plead guilty, yet not admit all the facts that of the crime.

An Alford plea allows defendant to plead guilty even while unable or unwilling to admit his or her guilt.

In most jurisdictions, especially the federal criminal injustice system, Alford pleas are all the rage.

You are free, as is anyone, to initiate any lawsuit at any time.

That isn't the question you need to consider.

You should debate whether you can prevail.

Who knows, any lawsuit is always a crap shoot? :dunno:

Throw them two little bones, Mr. Jones, you gonna get two through twelve, two through twelve every time. :confused:
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