Clear Title issued by State of Arizona

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In 1993 when I resided in Phoenix, Arizona I retired on Social Security and traded in my sports car for a truck.

The money I received on my sports car was not enough to cover the payment of the truck. The dealer arranged with a local bank to cover the $13,000 owed on the truck.

After a few days had passed the dealer called me an advised me to come in and pick up my title to the truck.

When I picked up my title that was issued by the State Of Arizona I noticed that the title was 100% clear with no lien holder showing.

I packed every thing that I wanted to take and crossed over the border into Mexico where the Mexican Govt., checked my title on the truck and declared it was clear as it is agains the law and the Mexican Govt., will not allow you to take any vehicle with a lien holder across the border into Mexico. (I already had temp., resident status to live in Mexico from the Embassy of Mexico in Phoenix).

Upon arrival in Mexico I registered my truck and was given Mexican plates and they took the Arizona plates. (Have no idea what the Mexican Auto Lic., authority did with the Arizona plates).

After living in Mexico five years I sold my truck and moved to Panama, Republic of Pamama where there is less crime.

My United States Passport expired this past December an I applied for a renewal here in Panama. My renewal application was sent direct to the State Dept., where my new passport was issued. (Showing on my cover issued by the Dept Of State).

I want to fly to the United States.

My question is 1) when Immigration scans my passport will the above incident show up an I will be detained. 2) Has the statue of limitations run out being that this incident is over 16 years old an I have nothing to worry about. 3) Many years ago, I was told by lawyers that this was a unique incident and they had no real knowledge who was liable, the State of Arizona or me. Thus they were not able to tell me if this was a crime, or a debt that went unpaid.

Can I feel free to travel to the United States and not be detained for the incident above.

It is impossible to answer this question as there are too many variables. In short, if this happened 16 years ago and nothing was filed, chances are nothing will show up. There are no guarantees. If you want to be sure, hire someone to do a lien search and see what comes up for you in public records. There are also online resources to do this. Good luck.
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