Client wont pay for services

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New Member
A client wanted work done to her home, wanted to pay cash, then after all was said and done, she did not want to pay for the work, stated that it was not done well, that the hardwood floor was ruff meanwhile she was warned to not walk on it during the job and her children did walk all over it. Then she also wanted her front deck to be re-done, she wanted it exactly as it was, so the worker changed all the wood to new wood in exactly the same place, space and size as it was before and now she is saying that it isn't passing code. Now she is refusing to pay and has threatened to call the police if anyone tries to come on her property. Is this legal? and if not how can you re-claim your money that is owed to you?
Whether it's legal or not is up in the air - if the work wasn't done properly, as she claims, she's within her rights to refuse to pay for at least part of it. If you can't come to some agreement about what the work was worth, you can take her to court to sort it out. You can file a builder's lien, and sue to enforce it.
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