Closing Claim

Big Tom

New Member
A tree fell on my classic car during a storm. The claim gets processed as a total loss on the agreed value policy. The insurance representative calls to make arrangements with me to pickup the check. I presented them with the bill of sale for the vehicle(title not required in GA) and then they tell me I need to provide them with the registration. I have had this car for 10 years and haven't renewed the registration it in the last 5. I was in the process of getting the vehicle ready for a frame off restoration and lost the old registration.

I see nothing in the insurance contract stating that I need to provide them with the registration. Do they have the ability to withhold paying out the claim due to the vehicle not being registered?
I see nothing in the insurance contract stating that I need to provide them with the registration.

The policy doesn't have to specify what you have to provide. It need only say that you provide what the company needs in order to settle and pay the claim. (I also have classic car insurance.)

Having a bill of sale might not be sufficient enough to prove ownership of the vehicle (could be faked) but the DMV acknowledging your ownership by issuing registration might be what it takes to prove ownership.

Do they have the ability to withhold paying out the claim due to the vehicle not being registered?

Yes, absolutely.

Please read the section of your policy entitled "Duties After a Loss or Claim" or words to that effect.

Meantime, ask the claim rep why the registration is needed. Might get the same answer I just gave you. Then explain what you have explained here and ask if there is any alternative. If not (and I can see the reason for it) then get to the DMV office and register the car.

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