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I Have been with the same place going on 5 years now, recently within the last few months i have had problems getting my money .. I am a waitress and when ppl put my tip on the credit card , sometimes my boss who drinks gets the tips mixed up or doesnt even write them down .. She tells me its illegal for me too touch the slips after they are up to the register ?? Is it Illegal for waitresses to check the charge tips??also while im here the last few weeks ive had problems with an employee thats been working there for about 6 months, her and i dont get along so ive chosen not too talk too her , well the other night before she left she began screaming and cursing at me telling me she wasnt going too deal with my f***ing attitude next week . MInd you im not speaking too her .. Also she said if i think i hate her now wait untill next week , shes going too be up my a**.. she was screaming so loud my customers in the dinning room heard her and i know my boss had too have heard it too but said nothing .. is this harrasment ??? I feel like they are trying too make me quit ....I am a single mother of two young children i cant afford too walk out on my job , but i feel like im being treated unfair and want too know is there anything i can do ...
It's not ILLEGAL harassment. It's not very nice to be yelled at and insulted in front of others, but it's not a violation of the law, either.

It is not illegal for you to check the charge slips, but you don't have a guaranteed right under the law to do so, either. It is legal for her to prohibit it. If you believe you are not being paid properly, you can always file a complaint with the DOL.
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