Consumer Law, Warranties Co-signed Car Lease/Signer Renegs

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: US

My daughter co-signed a car lease with her now ex-boyfriend. He talked her into trading in her car for a leased vehicle which he signed the loan for and she co-signed. She is the registered owner of the car. The payments are $455a month, $200 higher than what her former car payment was. Since he walked out on her, she is now stuck paying the payments by herself, which she really cannot afford but if she doesn't pay them, she will be without a car and can't get to work.

What legal recourse does she have against him? And can she possibly get the car company to renegotiate the lease or cancel it if she turns the car in?

Thank you.

Sorry to hear about your problems.

1) I don't know what the deal was between the two of them. She can sue him for half the car payments if that is what was agreed but that might be a tough case. I don't hear of any agreement made between them.

2) Why would the auto company renegotiate the lease? They don't care to take a loss any more than your daughter does. Their remedy is that if she defaults, they can pursue both your daughter and the ex-boyfriend.

Good luck - this is one of the first cases where a co-signer of a loan is actually beneficial (if that provides any consolation.)
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