Co Worker Slander- what can one do?

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I work at an office where there are two separate businesses sharing a common space and rent (each with one owner/operater/manager). They are operating as separate entities but still legal partners with ties through a holding company. The employees are paid by the holding company and basically "leased" out to the separate businesses, the employee's services are used only for the business they are slated to "work" for and under that owner's managment. One owner is male and one is female, listed only to clairfiy which owner I am talking about.

An employee from the other business (then the one my services are dedicated for-works for the male, I work for the female) has been slandering me to all the other workers on both teams. She feels that an employee on my team was unjustly laid off and that it is my fault for this occurance (even though she is not privy to any of the details leading up to the lay off). She has been telling all the other employee's that I have munipulated the owner (female) into firing said employee and tells them that she "hates me" and that I am an awful person. Today she called me a bitch both to my face and behind my back and proceded to cause a scene and told the owner (male) that she works for that she was leaving. She looked at me and said "you can answer to him as to why I am leaving).

In the past she has talked about me to others and this has been reported to the owner (male). This person has even has confronted the owner (female) (who laid off said employee) and "chewed" the owner(female) out for laying off employee.

This has been reported to the owner (male) in which her services are used for by the owner (female) that I work for and myself. The owner (female) has stated that it is her opinion that the owner (male) should terminate this employee-this was told to the owner (male) bythe owner (female) as her wishes to a solution.
Problem is the owner (male) doesn't seem to do anything, as of today even with all the past problems he has stated that he hasn't given this employee an "ultimatium" and he can not fire her for this. Even though he himself has heard this employee call his office manager (aka his wife) "an idiot" to others and has admitted that he "spoke with employee on that matter".
Does the owner (female) have any rights as co-owner of the holding company to insist that this troublesome employee be let go? Even though the monies use to pay this employee are transfered into the holding company from the Owner (male).
What rights do I have to protect myself from further slander from this employee as the owner (male) has agreed that her actions today where
inappropriate and stated that he will speak with her. I am concerned that just speaking with her again will not stop the slander and probably fuel her fire even more.. any feed back- it is a crazy story.
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