Co-workers verbal attacks

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While Teaching at a Christian Preschool, two new staff members decided to talk about me on the internet in their emails which were forwarded to me..supposedly by mistake. This occurred this past April. I was denied any opportunity to speak for myself. I was called before a group of individuals and listened to a full list of complaints, none of which I was aware of. The two co-teachers verablly confronted me in the hall, prior to school. I suffered major depression and anxiety but tried to work things out. The co-ordinator then attacked me in email again. I resigned after so much stress(in May) and proceeded to try and present my side to the Board and the ruling body..again blocked. The President of the ruling body and the President of the Board are "friends." In late August another letter came from the ruling body stating that my behavior was inappropriate. I had nothing to do with anyone for months. This past week the co-Teacher reported to a parent that I was out pulling down signs in the community(advertised the preschool) None of which I did. I have no money to file a suit and would like to know if there is any step I can take to force them to leave me alone? Thank you.
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