Cockroaches in Tenant Unit

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I have a 6-unit rental complex. One of the tenants complains they have cockroaches in their unit. Am I required to pesticide the unit? I am not sure if this is my job because the cockroaches may be caused by the way they live and the types of food that they eat, which attracts pest. Besides, other tenants do not complain to me about the problem.

Also, if I am responsible for the problem, should I pesticide only the unit or the whole building? I prefer not to do the whole building because of costs. Is there the best way to stop roaches? Thank you in advance for your advice.
What does your lease say in terms of who is responsible for pest control?

Here in the south, the Palmetto bug is well known; it's a very large flying cockroach that, because, it never gets very cold here, proliferates.

Max Force gel is an excellent treatment to knock these things down (this can be purchased online) and it's not overly expensive. Once typically has to do the entire place to be on any benefit.

Your tenants have the responsibility to keep the place trash free (i.e., no leftover dirty dishes in the sink, garbage security wrapped and disposed of quickly) to limit the proliferation of these pests.

Hi Gail,

My rental agreement does not have provisions about pest control. I am thinking of mentioning this in future agreements (i.e. making tenants responsible). I will get the gel as you suggested.

I have another question: this same unit is on a month-to-month lease basis. I am thinking of giving them a 30-day notice to terminate the lease. Believe me, it's not because of their complaint about pest but they seem to be hard to get along with other tenants. Do I need to give them reasons for the termination? (the agreement says either the tenants or landlord can terminate the lease provided a 30-day notice is given. However, although proper notices are served, I've heard landlords have a hard time justifying in Court if they don't have valid reasons to terminate and if tenants do not want to leave).

Thank you very much. I would truly appreciate your recommendations/advice.
Attached are the guidelines to end a month to month tenancy in Oregon...

As you will note, no reason for the termination need to be given. However, just in case the tenants fight this notice of termination, you need to make sure your reason for doing this is lawful (in case this ends up in court). Discord with other tenants (especially if you have documents regarding complaints) would be a viable reason for terminating the lease.


You will find your answer in the link I provided. You are responsible for getting rid of the pests as otherwise you are charging rent for a place that is unhabitable according to the law.

Also, scroll down to 903.20 in this link.

"They seem to be hard to get along with..." sorry Bud, you can't get rid of them just because you don't like them. I hope they fight your eviction and win.
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What the OP actually wrote was that these folks "seem to be hard to get along with other tenants". Again, depending on the discord and the number of complaints from other tenants, termination of a month to month lease may be a quite legal option.

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