Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders "Code of Conduct" Sexual Offense


New Member
Very reputable student on college campus at interning stage of his education goes to a party and has a female sitting and pawing all over him. They have sex and now she's claiming rape. Plenty of witnesses to confirm promiscuity. PLEASE advise on free case review. Thank you so much for your time.
Very reputable student on college campus at interning stage of his education goes to a party and has a female sitting and pawing all over him. They have sex and now she's claiming rape. Plenty of witnesses to confirm promiscuity. PLEASE advise on free case review. Thank you so much for your time.

A free case review won't help you, son. You need to remain silent, hire a lawyer (or request a public defender) and be very patient.
If criminal charges are filed, they don't go away very easily or quickly.
You're on the wrong part of the site for a free case review. Scroll up to the top of the screen and click on the icon in the top right.

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