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New Jersey
My soon to be moved in with his gf back in June 2016. She pays for 1/2 of the bills therefore freeing up a lot of his money. Can that be a consideration when establishing his child support? If so what do I need to do? Together their net income is about $130,000. Mine is less than half of that.
No, your ex's girlfriend's income will not matter in your CS calculations. Nor will the fact that she is paying her half of their bills. If you want more money, I can only suggest that you find a better job.
My soon to be moved in with his gf back in June 2016. She pays for 1/2 of the bills therefore freeing up a lot of his money. Can that be a consideration when establishing his child support? If so what do I need to do? Together their net income is about $130,000. Mine is less than half of that.

Child support is based on a formula.
The custodial parent could be a billionaire, while the NCP a broke bum.
Broke bum will still pay child support to assist in supporting his/her child.
The billionaire's lover, wife, or husband's money won't enter into the support formula.
He or she isn't legally obligated to support his/her lover's kid(s).
My soon to be moved in with his gf back in June 2016. She pays for 1/2 of the bills therefore freeing up a lot of his money. Can that be a consideration when establishing his child support? If so what do I need to do? Together their net income is about $130,000. Mine is less than half of that.

How do you have such insight into their private lives?

You aren't going to get more child support. If he has had a change in income you can try to get it modified.

Don't depend on child support. If you get it, it's extra. If not, oh well. I never budget around child support because I know it's a cold day in hell when I get it.
What matters is his income, not his expenses. If he moved to a less expensive apartment would you expect support to change?
Or if his expenses increased, would you expect your support to be reduced. Of course not. His expenses and how they are paid is irrelevant to you and to child support.
Plus... how do you know she pays half the bills?
She told me, he told me, and my daughter also did. I get child support for my first daughter and that gets factored in but him having an entire other income in his household doesn't. That just doesn't make sense to me. But I guess it doesn't have to make sense if it's the law. I had been told that in some cases it is a consideration. I just wanted to make sure.
She told me, he told me, and my daughter also did. I get child support for my first daughter and that gets factored in but him having an entire other income in his household doesn't. That just doesn't make sense to me. But I guess it doesn't have to make sense if it's the law. I had been told that in some cases it is a consideration. I just wanted to make sure.

The money or assets of his lover, spouse, or friend has no bearing on his income.
She's not required to support his children.
She told me, he told me, and my daughter also did. I get child support for my first daughter and that gets factored in but him having an entire other income in his household doesn't. That just doesn't make sense to me. But I guess it doesn't have to make sense if it's the law. I had been told that in some cases it is a consideration. I just wanted to make sure.
Why would his girlfriend's income get factored into HIS child support? Of course your child support for your other child is factored in. Why wouldn't that be factored in? They factored in my ex's child support when they were figuring out what he would pay for our daughter.

They base child support of HIS income.

How about this - would it have been fair when I was married to my ex that because he had zero income most of the time they should factor in MY income for HIS child support? No. I did pay it for a couple years. Because she used that against visitation. But I didn't have to nor should anyone who has no legal bearing on the child(ren).

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