Coins and Jewelry


New Member
OCT 2I015 Me and my husband didn't have a place to live, we were staying in motels.We met two young men they started hanging around us, We had a friend that had a storage unit and asked if we needed to store anything at first I said no then I realized we were dragging a lot of items around and it was difficult. So I said yes so we got together a car full of items and I decided to let him take my safe which had my grandfather's coins that I inherited I it along with some jewelry our friend came and got it and took one of our new friends with him to help take it to his storage unit in the
mean time we got a place to stay with a gentleman at his apt I stayed there from Nov 2015 TO March 2016 In March O called our friend to get my items he didn't call back for about a week then he text and said I regret to tell you I lost my storage I tried to get a hold of you because I was carrying them around in my car (we have him a car load of items to store) and I had to send them back to the storage by a friend because I didn't have a place to keep them. About June he and a girl friend came by and come to find out he didn't loose his storage he said our new friends which he was hanging around with STOLE my safe with the old coins and jewelry was in. He said they stole from him too I said why don't you call the law he said because he is friends with the girl they are staying at and she had a WARRANT against her and he didn't want to get her in trouble. About Aug or Sept I text hin and asked for the rest of our items he said I took them to a girls house (which is where the other two guys he was hanging around with) and he didn't have them In about Nov I put a ad for my stolen coins and jewelry on Craigslist lost and found 7:30am the next morning I got a call from a man asking for the description of the guys that took them I told him and he said he bought them from them he asked for my address like he was going to send them and he didn't and he changed his number I tried to call him the next day. What can I do this is really upsetting me I inherited these old coins from my father and there was a pearl necklace I inherited from my mother they were the only things I have that belonged to my parents before they died.
Report this to the police.

It's anybody's guess what the outcome will be.

You could, of course, sue the responsible individuals but good luck getting anything from low life criminals.

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