Consumer Law, Warranties College financial aid a contract?

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I accepted financial aid from my university at the beginning of this semester. Now, several months later, they say that they made an error, and due to federal rules, they would have to rescind my aid and I would have a substantial amount to pay them back. Are they allowed to retroactively charge my account like this? Is financial aid considered a binding contract? If so, I am not sure how they can back out of it like this.
I accepted financial aid from my university at the beginning of this semester. Now, several months later, they say that they made an error, and due to federal rules, they would have to rescind my aid and I would have a substantial amount to pay them back. Are they allowed to retroactively charge my account like this? Is financial aid considered a binding contract? If so, I am not sure how they can back out of it like this.

Of course, they can.

The Regime is behind this mess.

The Regime can do whatever it wants to whomever they target.

The sheeple that used to be people, have no clue.

If you can't fight city hall, you can't fight The Regime and the Supreme Leader Obama and his crew!

They gotcha dude.

As long as you remain enrolled in college, the debt will be in a deferred status.
Well, at least it used to be, before The Regime's coup in November of '08!
Thanks for the speedy reply.
I could make a fuss, but if I can't do anything legally about it, there's not much point. Curses. I would tell you what I really think about this situation, but it would likely get moderated.
It's finals week, I should sue for emotional damage. Don't have time for this.
Thanks for the speedy reply.
I could make a fuss, but if I can't do anything legally about it, there's not much point. Curses. I would tell you what I really think about this situation, but it would likely get moderated.
It's finals week, I should sue for emotional damage. Don't have time for this.

Ask the financial aid office about filing an appeal.

Something must have changed about your finances.

If you file as a dependent of your parents, ask to change to an independent student status.

That can make quite a difference.

All you have to do is say that your parents have disowned you and will no longer offer you any support.

There are other ways, but that one is usually a sure fire winner!

Good luck.
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