Colorado To Rule On 2.5 Year Child Abduction

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Colorado To Rule On 2.5 Year Child Abduction

This is a sad story about a 5 year old boy and 14 year old girl who were wrongfully taken from their mother's home by a domineering and vindictive grandmother. The woman and her husband used used sham abuse allegations in a Georgia Court to obtain a temporary restraining order and seize the children. While it took a Georgia court only 4 hours to grant a directed verdict regarding the girl and return her immediately to her mother, a Colorado Court has taken two and a half years regarding the boy. The needless delays were due, in large part, to the actions of an out of control guardian ad litem who is earning up to $115 per hour while this case drags on. Beyond any monetary expenses, the emotional and psychological damage done to the boy and his family is beyond measure.
This is pretty terrifying. How factual based is this story? I'm assuming the names are changed. It's incredible. What's happening now? I don't want to move to Colorado!!!
What happened?

I am curious as to the outcome of the March 15, 2005 court date. What has happened to Mark? Why in the world would this GAL not give the child back to parents who are fit and WANT him? This is terrifying and sad.
LeanneHead said:
I am curious as to the outcome of the March 15, 2005 court date. What has happened to Mark? Why in the world would this GAL not give the child back to parents who are fit and WANT him? This is terrifying and sad.
This is a horrible story. We will soon be posting a complete set of facts here since they are too incredible to be true -- but they are. The dynamic is as follows -- the GAL seems to have some personal issues. Unfortunately having served in the local court for numerous years, she has had several personal associations with the relatively small judicial community. This is NOT to say that all the judges are corrupt -- they aren't -- but they have placed far too much weight on her absurd judgment and shabby but very long paper trail she created. Since the time of the abduction, the judge originally responsible has mysteriously retired and the judge that upheld it in the second state, currently where the GAL is, has also resigned due to unknown circumstances. In shocking fashion, I was told that the GAL tried to have one of her siblings adopt the child but that failed after two days since the boy turned out to be more than they could handle.

The problems are no so simple either. The boys original foster mother hasn't had it easy and, like many parents, has issues in her life. As foster mothers go, I'd say she is by far better and more attentive that what is generally available. Each time the foster mother would get highly emotional due to her concern for the welfare of the child and the wrongful alienation, the GAL has used that against her and made completely absurd and inflammatory reports to the court -- who only care to hear her one sided version. Anyone who cared to read the paperwork would roll their eyes. The court likely believes that a family with more money and of the same nationality (now there is a key issue) will make a better life for this child and it's all for the greater good. But for years now the child has been shuttled between homes because none of these people want him.

What is the motivating factor behind the GAL's actions? Impossible for me to say for sure but I would suspect that the grandparents who lived in her state and city convinced her to go along with them. The GAL probably thought that they had money and residency so she was best served backing them. Ultimately when the step-grandfather was kicked out of the home by his wife and then passed away, this left the GAL in a bad position. She continued to back the grandmother until she proved to be so mentally unstable as to compel removing the boy from the grandmother's home. At that point the GAL had put her stakes in the wrong place (and earned an absurdly large fee putting in numerous hours creating paper trails to the expense of the taxpayers of the state.) It became a personal battle which she would concede for the sake of the boy.

We will have a full story up shortly and you will see our new publishing section this week and weekend. It's a truly incredible story that none of you will want to miss and the boy's foster mother is compiling the events as I type this. Thank you for listening and I will send her your sympathies.
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