"Come On Man, on his HONOR as a Biden" to mandate jabs for all federal employees!!!

army judge

Super Moderator
President Joe Biden will announce on Thursday a requirement that all federal employees and contractors be vaccinated against Covid-19, or be required to submit to regular testing and mitigation requirements, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

The announcement will come in remarks where Biden is also expected to lay out a series of new steps, including incentives, in an attempt to spur new vaccinations as the Delta variant spreads rapidly throughout the country. It will also follow the decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs to require its frontline health care workers to be vaccinated over the course of the next two months.

Biden alluded to the looming announcement on Tuesday.

"That's under consideration right now," Biden said, when asked if he would impose a vaccination mandate on federal workers.

Covid: Biden will announce vaccination requirement across federal government on Thursday - CNNPolitics

Biden jumps into vaccine mandate debate as VA requires health workers to get vaccinated - CNNPolitics

New face mask guidance from the CDC recommends vaccinated people wear masks indoors in certain areas - CNN
We knew it was coming.... Over reach of the government. No one should be required to take a vaccine that has been rushed through the system. I think it is still at 99% survival rate.
We knew it was coming.... Over reach of the government. No one should be required to take a vaccine that has been rushed through the system. I think it is still at 99% survival rate.
First: It's unclear what "it" refers to in your final sentence.
Second: Please cite your source.
If people were offered $1500 for the 1st jab, and $2500 for the 2nd jab we'd be at 95% compliance.

If the $4000 was ONLY paid in cash IMMEDIATELY after the person received the 2nd jab, we'd have 99% of over the age of 12 vaccinated.

Incentivizing people works better than criticizing and shaming people, if you want people to do your bidding.
Considering how Washington has been spending money like a drunken sailor I'm surprised that hasn't been put into place.

I'm sure it was discussed, but those in power (and those pulling the puppets' strings) believed they'd shame, embarrass, and hector "we, the wee people" into compliance.

I'm never surprised at the ability of significant sums of cash to motivate, otherwise ne'er do wells to do as instructed without objection.
We knew it was coming.... Over reach of the government.

It's not "overreach". The federal government as an employer may impose rules on its employees for the safety of the workforce and the public (customers) with whom they deal just like any other employer may do. I can tell my employees they must be vaccinated; that's my right as an employer. The federal government has no less right to do that than I do.

And the science behind the vaccines, along with the experiences of millions who have already had the shots, have proven them to be both very safe and pretty effective at reducing the risk of getting covid and, in particular, reducing dying or getting seriously ill from it. Those areas that have high vaccination rates are currently having much less infection from the new Delta variant whereas those areas with low vaccination rates are seeing a significant surge in infections. Those opposing vaccination aren't doing so based on science.
Here is my unedited response to a post "down the street" yesterday. IEdited portions put back in for this market.) If it offends anyone, that's just too damned bad.

For the record, I work for one of the biggest, best known and most respected research universities in the world. Our Medical school, School of Public Health and our Science departments have been up to their eyebrows in Covid research, vaccine research and vaccine safety, ever since this whole debacle began. Every time I turn around, someone who gets their paycheck from the same institution I do is being quoted in national and even international publications. These are the folks who have actual experience with the science and the workings behind it. Just last week I was in contact with an employee who is currently on leave to be one of President Biden's top science advisors specific to Covid research.

We are still working remotely unless your job CANNOT be done off campus. We have been told as recently as last week that when we DO return to campus, we will not be allowed on without proof of vaccination AND unless we have closed-door office access we must be masked while inside any university building. Only about a fifth of any given team will be allowed in at the same time; my team will still be working remotely four days out of five. No more than two members of the team will be allowed back in on the same day. And that's for the people who are vaccinated. If you're not vaccinated, you're not allowed back on at all. Exceptions will only be allowed in the event of proven medical or religious reasons, and we also have to prove we've been vaccinated. We are union, and none of the unions are protesting these requirements. We are all interested in staying safe.

If I get a time-out for this next paragraph, so be it. Anyone who isn't getting vaccinated is an idiot, and if that means you and your wife, OP, the shoe fits. You can find something on the internet to support any cockamamie theory you care to back; that doesn't make it true. Science has had a solid knowledge and understanding of vaccinations since Edward Jenner in 1796. I'll back two and a quarter centuries of science research against your twenty minutes on Google any day, and a handful of politicians who have a vested interest in insisting that Covid isn't all that bad don't make MY decisions for me. And if they do make yours, you deserve what you get.
I've been told by several people that they're avoiding vaccination until the FDA lifts the Emergency Use Authorization and announces the vaccine is approved permanently, and the EUA categorization is removed.

My spouse and I received our 2nd dose of Pfizer' s vaccine on March 8th.
We've had no permanent medical issues related to the vaccine.
My wife is on dialysis, she was advised to do it ASAP.
I chose to do mine to ensure she wasn't further compromised,.
When people understand issues, most are willing to do the right thing.

At this point that would appear to be an easier task as the efficacy of all vaccines has been proven by over 300,000,000 doses with exceptional results.

The vaccines are working.

Take pride in the pharmaceutical companies involved and tell the public.

If you can't do that, stop criticizing and start incentivizing.

Pay the people $4000-5000 AFTER receiving the 2nd dose and magically we'll hit that 95%+ vaccination level.
No, no monetary incentives. The incentive is you keep your job if you get vaccinated, you get fired if you don't.

The federal government employs >2,000,000 people. State and local governments employ 150,000,000 people. If every government agency in the US mandated employee vaccination or termination, Covid would be close to being over very quickly.
If every government agency in the US mandated employee vaccination or termination, Covid would be close to being over very quickly.

My friend you're overlooking one key fact.
Most of those people have learned not to care.
Uncle Sammy will care for their basic needs.
Unlike most babies, adult babies are still suckling.
They haven't been weaned.
Furthermore, the only way to achieve 95+% vaccination levels is to buy their compliance.
The recalcitrant, obstinate ones will eagerly forget their values for a price.
If 95+% compliance is the goal, it'll never be achieved by threats, force, insults, etc...
However, the most recalcitrant have a price.
Pay the price, the goal will be attained.
Just the observations and life lessons of an old man.

As far as I'm concerned, none of this matters to me.
Such is one of the pleasures of old age.
I no longer need to feign caring.
I'm content with my status in life, as I'm not attempting to climb to a higher rung on life's ladder.
I'm just biding my time, quite comfortably I might add, until the Reaper taps me on my shoulder.
If people were offered $1500 for the 1st jab, and $2500 for the 2nd jab we'd be at 95% compliance.

If the $4000 was ONLY paid in cash IMMEDIATELY after the person received the 2nd jab, we'd have 99% of over the age of 12 vaccinated.

Incentivizing people works better than criticizing and shaming people, if you want people to do your bidding.

Well look at this.

The truck driving, Corn Pop beating, genius in the WH says the US GUBMINT should incentivize people to get the jab by giving them $100 for each jab.

Yeah, the jab holdouts will take those jabs for $200.

People will sell out, but it takes more than a lousy Ben Franklin these days.

Sheesh, what's wrong with this dude?

Biden calls on states to offer $100 vaccine incentives

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