Common law rights?

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New Member
Here is my situation.
I have been with my girlfriend for 8 years. 5 of those we have lived in the same apartment. She is not on the lease (only as a resident), I bring in all the income and she pays the bills. We do not have joint accounts of any kind. We have never presented ourselves as husband and wife, and I have made it clear on any documentation that she is my "girlfriend". Well, I tried to break up with her the other day and she lost it. She threatened that she would seek legal council for her "common law" rights. I told her I didn't think she had any from what I've read.

She has begged for "one more week" to get on her feet and get a job, but her criteria also included us staying together. I have offered over and over to work with her on a transition plan that included paying her first and last months rent, making sure the utilities are turned on in a new place for her, and allowing her to keep her phone, gym membership, etc... for three months.

She has threatened to "ruin my life" amongst other things. I want to be fair in this and help her but she only sees us staying together as the only solution. With that, what rights does she have? What rights do I have and what obligations do we both have?

Some of the things she said when I came back to the apartment, after she had locked me out for 10 hours. She called me and told me to come home, relax, and not worry about anything. When I came home, I told her I wasn't staying and that I wanted my checkbook, credit cards and ATM card (all in my name only) to which she informed me she didn't know where they were. She then proceeded to tell me that she had called people at work, family members of mine, etc... and now they will all know what kind of man you are. I found out later after we were calm that she did not do any of these things and that my checkbook and other items were in the apartment. The only way I could calm her was to tell her I'd give her two more weeks, but I think she's under the impression that it means staying together.

Sorry to ramble on, but I'm emotionally drained and want this breakup to happen with as little pain as possible. So to summarize, in the State of Oklahoma, what rights does she have in the context of common law.
OK does not even recognize common law unless it was created BEFORE 1998 and even then it is on a limited basis. You guys were not common law it appears. Common law means that you both recognize each other as being husband and wife. Since this is not the case, you do not owe her anything and do not let her make you feel like you do.
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