Community Dock Associations on Table Rock Lake


New Member
In Missouri, on Table Rock Lake, can a community dock require that slips on that community dock only be owned by community members by adding Rules and Regs. to that effect?
Can it happen? Of course.

Is it legal? I have no idea. This is an extremely esoteric matter of local law that virtually no one is going to know off the top of his/her head. Someone would have to review the statutes (if any) that govern a community dock association. That said, I'd be flabbergasted if any statute prevented what you described.
In Missouri, on Table Rock Lake, can a community dock require that slips on that community dock only be owned by community members by adding Rules and Regs. to that effect?
Try perusing these sites, conduct YOUR DUE DILIGENCE, as I am NOT endorsing any specific source, just illustrating they do exist and are conducting sales transaction!!!!


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