Company buyout and employment

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This is my first post, so I hope I am posting in the proper area.

I work for a company as a director. Our parent is in Europe and we are the only facility here in North America. The family that owned the company sold 51% about 4 years ago to a finance group to finance some expansion. For the last year or so, the finance group has taken a greater interest in the company and has put their own management in place. They have also re-structured the company. The founder is VP of the Board of the Holding Company, the founder's son is Sales and Engineering Manager. The father has no operational authority over the company any more, and the son used to be CEO.

Now, the family is trying to buy the company back. There is a war going on between the shareholders and the father is very active (as well as the son) in getting "soldiers" on the family side and both of them have and are overstepping their bound in a major way.

I am one of the ones who is threatened with job loss and this is coming from the father. It was intimated to me that as a concerned party in negotiations to buy the company, he should not be communicating with actual employees about the future of the company unless he is authorized to.

Is there something I can do to stop his communication / protect myself in case they do buy the company?

I hope my question makes sense!!!
Q: Is there something I can do to stop his communication / protect myself in case they do buy the company?

A: No and no.
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