Company Owner requires we read his political papers

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My jurisdiction is: Indianapolis, IN USA

My best friend is very afraid to do or say anything about this situation as she values her job and at age 54, clerical jobs are not easily found. My best friend works for a company of about 20 people in Indianapolis, IN. She has been employed there for over 20 years. Now, the owner of the company posts and passes around emails and other derogatory political papers which he gathers from the Internet favoring only his political party choice, the republican party. Some of these papers are not just wrong they are intended to be inflammatory and to say the very least in very poor taste. Some are so awful that they constitute racism and perhaps worse. In addition for several years (at least the last 5 or 6) he has posted materials around the office that are derogatory to all non-republicans. All the material posted or passed around promotes his idea that republicans are all but god-like in their every thought and deed and everyone else's thoughts are trash or treason or worse. That being said here is the kicker, starting a few weeks ago, he now requires that everyone in the office read the tripe that he prints out and passes around and initial it as having been read; so far as I know the warehouse workers are not required to read or initial the materials. While this whole situation is obviously in the poorest of tastes, isn't everyone entitled to their own political point of view and beliefs without being subjected to seemingly constant harassment on the job? Isn't what this business owner doing illegal? Doesn't it constitute harassment or some other breech of the law?
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With the exception of California, New York, and to a certain extent the District of Columbia, political affiliation is not a characteristic protected under the law. Is he only requiring that you read these papers? Or is he requiring other participation? Can you explain more what you mean by racism?
requires that everyone in the office read the tripe that he prints out and passes around and initial it as having been read; so far as I know the warehouse workers are not required to read or initial the materials. While this whole situation is obviously in the poorest of tastes, isn't everyone entitled to their own political point of view and beliefs without being subjected to seemingly constant harassment on the job? Isn't what this business owner doing illegal? Doesn't it constitute harassment or some other breech of the law?
Wow that is a good question, I don't know the answer off hand. It sure raises a lot of questions. If it used to thwart union activity it could raise questions under the LMRDA with the DOL.
Odd ... I don't see any pro-Republican literature that is filled with hate or racism, though I know of some people on the left that view any political position held by conservatives to be hateful and racist.

I don't know the direct answer to this, but I'd venture that requiring people to read the political stuff might be quite a stretch, and should anyone be disciplined for NOT reading it, I suspect that some kind of action might be able to be taken (depending on state law).

For those wishing to avoid trouble, they could consider just initialing it and moving on.

- Carl
As to the racism and worse remark, all of the workers there are white Anglo-Saxon, there are no minority employees and there never have been to my knowledge, some are Protestant and some, including the owner and his wife, are Catholic. Some of the material passed around "quotes" the likes of Rush Limbaugh; uses the "N word" or hints strongly at it by using code words; calls President Obama anything but a person who cares for his country or even a decent human being and in general spins everything toward the god-like republicans and against the axis of evil democrats. It is your basic hate mail. Surely you have seen the worst of the tripe that the Internet produces about our country's leadership, all done in the poorest of taste but borderline legal, I suppose. My friend has chosen to initial the printed material and pass it on without reading any more of it as she would like to keep her job. In the last several voting seasons, the man (owner) politics everyone and pressures them verbally to vote republican and decries how awful the democrats are for the country. And he is loud and vociferous about it on a continuing daily basis for several months before Election Day, if that is germane to the situation, in general. To say the least, it is a pathetic spectacle then and now; the man is compulsive, obsessive about being a republican and he expresses it tirelessly in the workplace, no less, where he is "boss." I guess his wife won't listen to him or doesn't care.
Having never found Rush Limbaugh to be offensive, I am wondering if this stuff is truly the work of whacko fringe internet tripe or if they are simply writings that offer a differing political opinion from your own. Even the boss is allowed to hold a different political opinion and can even, generally, promote his opinion to some degree (depending on the nature of the laws in your state and the nature of the activity).

If your friend doesn't buy into the same political spin of his employer he can either look for another job, he can just go along with it by initialing the documents and passing them along, or, he can consult an attorney about any possible legal violations in your state.

- Carl
Oh Rush he is just misunderstood I used to subscribe to his site for almost 5 years you get a lot of bang for the buck. I tend to agree with a lot of what he says until he talks about labor issues and tort reform then we part company.

The two party's have a different approach to the economy and the work force. Its an interesting subject that is complicated. Like Java I never felt offended by what he said but I disagreed animately with his opinions that I noted.
I have tended to agree with most all of his opinions with no real adamant opposition. From time to time I don't tend to agree with some of his positions, but it's rare.

My local radio station has Rush, Hannity, then Lars Larsen ... nice lineup for me. :) And nothing racist or extreme in any of them that I have ever noticed. Like you said, simply another side of the aisle with another perspective on things. But, based on the recent misguided Homeland Security memo I guess the feds need to start watching me.

- Carl
While I do not wish to argue politics; I am offended by everything out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. If you do not find it offensive for him to wish our President and our country to fail, then all I can say it is your opinion and while I will and have fought to preserve your right to voice your opinion, I do not agree with it nor do I respect it. While I guess I opened up the discussion here on the subject, it is not something you would appreciate if the roles were reversed and some liberal hot shot supporting something you do not support shoved it in your face every day and you were not allowed to respond with your opinion which is at least as valid and as pertinent as his, now would you? This issue is about mutual respect and freedom not Rush nor anything republican or democrat; "conservative" or liberal; it is about freedom from harassment on the job. Thank you but if you cannot respond without praising some political figure like Rush and the 21% of Americans who are left in the republican party; don't bother. I was looking for legal advice for my best friend, not a right wing political or left wing political speech. Thank you.
While I do not wish to argue politics; I am offended by everything out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. If you do not find it offensive for him to wish our President and our country to fail,
I DO want the president's policies to fail! I do not want to see socialism take hold in the United States. And THAT is what he means by that. Such commentary is hardly hateful.

While I guess I opened up the discussion here on the subject, it is not something you would appreciate if the roles were reversed and some liberal hot shot supporting something you do not support shoved it in your face every day and you were not allowed to respond with your opinion which is at least as valid and as pertinent as his, now would you?
I worked in education ... take a look at education unions and their political leanings. Same with even police unions! Very liberal (pro labor). In fact, when I was with the schools I was REQUIRED to donate to liberal PACs! The laws have since changed, but the dues for those that choose to opt out of the PACs in those districts dropped a precipitous 15% ... wow.

So, yes, I have worked in an environment openly hostile to my political and social views, and one where I was compelled by my employer and - at the time - by law, to contribute to.

This issue is about mutual respect and freedom not Rush nor anything republican or democrat; "conservative" or liberal; it is about freedom from harassment on the job.
Laws vary by state. What you say may - or may NOT - be unlawful. if the boss is the owner, and it is a private organization, and no one is being punished for their failure to agree with him, then I doubt he is violating any law. Employees have the freedom to change employers. If the guy is a conservative and has a boss, then maybe someone should complain to HIS boss.

I was looking for legal advice for my best friend, not a right wing political or left wing political speech. Thank you.
You got both.

The bottom line is that unless your state prohibits this activity (and it is doubtful that it IS prohibited), then the employer's action are very likely lawful if, as I mentioned, there is no retaliation for someone who merely holds an opposing view.
I think both sides are equally guilty of taking things out of context. CDW was right he was referring to socialism, all though I do not fear Obama is socialist as Rush Limbaugh is viewing it. Obama has the potential to be a great president like Regan,or Roosevelt were. For two reasons he has ton of populist support and articulates his ideas well. As far as labor issues he is spot on, being from Chicago he understands the value of good public transit and a healthy infrastructure. Both of which have been neglected.

Like many Democrats he does not understand foreign policy, or the roll of the military.

I worked in education ... take a look at education unions and their political leanings. Same with even police unions! Very liberal (pro labor). In fact, when I was with the schools I was REQUIRED to donate to liberal PACs! The laws have since changed, but the dues for those that choose to opt out of the PACs in those districts dropped a precipitous 15% ... wow.
Cdw don't get get me started on that Beck decision, that was straight up Union busting it created nothing but an accounting nightmare for the locals. That whole case was bank rolled by union busters. For one reason to lesson the unions ability to lobby.
Thanks to all who answered or attempted to answer my question. I do not mean to be unappreciative of your time, knowledge and efforts on my behalf in supplying a response, but unless it was spot on regarding the situation I described, it was useless to me. I have no use for any of your political viewpoints as I did not solicit your political views and all the political remarks made by responders were totally superfluous to the question and the situation, they were totally off-point. That kind of political talk shows in part the same kind of callous disregard that my friend's employer shows her at work and it is uncalled for regardless of the bosses viewpoint or hers. Adding your two cents worth about politics does nothing to answer the question. That is why I did not wish to be too specific in my question but in answer to a request for specificity I responded and then the subject changed from partially addressing the problem to totally talk about political viewpoints something that is not helpful and does not address the question at hand. A long time ago my dad shared this wisdom with me about "puppy love" he said it is very real to the puppy. And whether you agree with me or my friend or the boss it is so totally irrelevant to the question it is silly to even have to mention it. But thanks anyway.
Hey no problem we are always glad to share what little we know. I mean the point is from a legal stand point there is not much there. Not everything gives rise to an action no where is that more apparent than in employment and labor law. So the only thing left to talk about was politics. I mean hay I don't know what to tell you.

Ask your self this did you know about the LMRDA and the Beck decision before you posted? If not than you got plenty to read, its just not here because they are broad topics. You can either hit the books or use your computer. Good reading to.
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