Company refuses to give refund within the 30 day purchase period


New Member
Three weeks ago signed up for an online course. I agreed to pay the price of the course in ten single monthy installements, but now I have come to the conclusion that the course is not something that I want to have anymore and I would like a refund.

They refused to give me the refund, claiming that they don't give out refunds if it has been more than 48 hours after purchase, or if the the payment plan agreed to was the 10 installement monthly plan, claiming that I can't back out of the debt I agreed to.

Aren't they obligated by law to give refund or cancel the payments, by the request of the consumer,
in the 30 day window after the digital product has been purchased?

Is this worth filing a complaint to get my money back, or is there no chance?

The company is U.S. based, and I'm in a european Union country.

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Three weeks ago signed up for an online course. I agreed to pay the price of the course in ten single monthy installements, but now I have come to the conclusion that the course is not something that I want to have anymore and I would like a refund.

They refused to give me the refund, claiming that they don't give out refunds if it has been more than 48 hours after purchase, or if the the payment plan agreed to was the 10 installement monthly plan, claiming that I can't back out of the debt I agreed to.

Aren't they obligated by law to give refund or cancel the payments, by the request of the consumer,
in the 30 day window after the digital product has been purchased?

Is this worth filing a complaint to get my money back, or is there no chance?

The company is U.S. based, and I'm in a european Union country.


Sorry, but no state in the U.S. gives you a right for 30 days to cancel an online sale. Indeed, most laws in the U.S. that give a consumer a right to cancel a contract for any reason are limited to a 3 day right to rescind the sale, and that's only for a few limited types of sales. EU law gives you a right to cancel online sales for 14 days. But when that sale is of a digital product the right to cancel the sale ends once you download or start to stream the product. Whether EU law would apply to this sale depends on factors like the exact to which the U.S. solicits or does business with EU customers. But if you waited longer than 14 days, it seems you are out of luck in canceling this sale except as the contract with the vendor would allow you to cancel.
Regardless of their policy you can easily prevent future charges to your account. You may not get a refund for payments so far, which may be fair since you did receive and make use of the product during that time, but they can not continue to make charges unless you allow it.
Contact your bank or creditor regarding any further transactions after you give notice to cancel. If the company believes you owe them money their option is to take you to court over it. That won't likely happen.

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