Compensation from ruined Credit

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New Member
Hey, I have an issue with Direct TV where someone used my Social security number and opened an account with Direct TV, ran up 3000+ worth of bills. Direct TV tracked me down by my name and sent the bill to collection. Address they provided was a nonexistant address, would not tell me who installed the equipment. Had law enforcement contact them to let them know that I lived nowhere near the area and that the address they had for billing/ location of account was non existant. For over 2 years now, my credit has been bashed due to this account. Is it possible to file for compensation for the problems they have caused me?
You will have to do a lot more leg work before you can sue-- You need to conatact the credit agencys and dispute the account. If Direct TV still states it is valid I would start talking to the managers at Direct TV and document everything-- The Time you called who you talked too and what happened each and every time to talk to Direct TV keep all of your credit disputes etc... once there is no way Direct TV will listen, contact a attorney to sue them
How big of a problem is there if I have lost the paper I had with the info 2 years ago? Moved and after not hearing back after a year, figured it was settled and probably threw it away. They have a collector that called me, i told them it was a stolen identity account again. Just a little pissed due to the fact my credit is trashed over this. Cannot do anything without a co-signer.
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