Complex Discrimination From Large Company

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New Member
This is a very complex case. I have spent the past 20 years working for a very large company. While in the companies employment, I have trained in 8 different positions, worked under more than eight different supervisors, completed all annually required safety courses, re-certifications, and other requirements. I have held several different representitive positions, and was made a trainer for my department. I have never had a supervisor make a negative comment on any of my annual performance reviews, have always received my pay raises and bonuses, and have always held an excellent attendance record. I have always been a very hard worker and have always been there for my co-workers to help and support them.
During the past three years my attendance has suffered due to the fact that all the following things have occured to my family and I do have the dates and papers that affirm the following: my daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, my daughter formed a fistula which ruptured three times, my daughter had 6 emergency room visits and three hospital stays due to this fistula, my daughter had to be home schooled so that she could graduate with her classmates, whom she had spent the past 13 years with, my father was diagnosed with cancer, my mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and amyloidosis, my husband had kidney surgery to remove stones, my father had 60% of his tongue removed and then underwent facial reconstructive surgery where his shoulder blade was used to make him a new chin, my mother then started a very extensive treatment and was told she had one month to live, I underwent surgery which involved three procedures, my father passed away, my sister underwent surgery, my brother underwent cancer screening and then had a lump removed from each breast, my mother passed away, my nephew had an accident and was placed in trauma two and put into an induced coma as his back was broken in two places, a large mass was found on my uterius and I then underwent cancer screening, and schedualed surgery to remove it. My father passed away. My mother passed away.
All of this occured in a three year period, and supervision was made aware of all of it, a fact which may have left them possibly doubting that it all had occured. However, every item of it is true and I have not lied to them in any way. If anything the reverse is true, and I was too open and up front with them.
Due to being under that much stress for such a prolong length of time I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In the beginning stages of my diagnosis I was seeing my specialist, plus the company physician, company coucelor, and company physical therypist. While my specialist was lining out my medication to see what worked best to control my pain an inability to walk, I had a reaction to one of the medications and was sent to the company medical department and then from there rushed over to the local emergency room.
Because of my new medication and the fact that my specialist was trying to line those out, I fell asleep while at work. When reported to senior staff, by my supervisor who sleeps almost on a daily basis anyway, my supervisor tried to make it appear that I was misusing my medication, which in fact, the opposite is true. My medical records will show that I was not taking my medication as prescribed due to the affects that I recieved from them. And yes he was aware of this, as well as the company physician.
Some of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia are dizziness, virtigo, loss of balance, slurred speech, inability to grasp a word one is looking for, inability to remember, and loss of concentration. All of which I do suffer from. And due to the fact that several co-workers read these symptoms as coming from my taking medication, which I had stopped taking, all medication, inclucing my migraine medication, and the fact that I had a reaction to the one, they had implied to upper management that I was drugged, which is simply not true. And due to the fact that the principle engineer was fed the wrong information he tried to intimidate me by repeatedly stating that he had interviews with several co-workers, and that I was not "acting as myself".
I was sent home "because I was not acting as myself". I tried to explain to everyone that I was not acting as myself, as they put it, due to the fact that so many things were going on in my life, and that I was trying to adjust to my new found diagnosis of a chronic disorder, which was the cause of some of my behavioral changes, but the more I tried to straighten it out, the worse it seemed to get.
I returned to work and during the weekend that my nephew was hospitalized and placed into a coma and intrabated one of my co-workers made a crutial mistake. Without going into too much detail and jeapordizing the name of said company, I will just say that the mistake which the co-worker made, had detrimental enviornmental affects. Several meetings took place to pin point the cause of the mistake, and although several other factors came to light which named several other employees as being at fault in one way or the other, and which elliminated me as having been at fault, when all was said and done, at the end of the day, they terminated me. Reason given, was because I did not know my job, which is not true and the same people had made me a trainer, which proves that point.
It is my opinion, and a just one, to say that if you remove the layers of sludge, which some of the company reps are trying to pile onto this case, when all the grime is wiped away, I was terminated because of my disability. I had just started getting my life lined back out and the demands which had been placed on my at ceased.
I have since started proceedings with lawers, but no one seems to want to take the case because I simply want my job back and don't want to sue the company for large mass quantities of money.
I have spent the past 20 years of my life, training and working in extreem conditions, doing everything required of me, playing by the rules, following all the books, etc.
The only course left to me is to sue for large amounts of money, although I have no wish to. I am not yet ready to file for disability, as I feel that it is still too early. So it would appear that I am going to have to take it to court, and after having been pushed from here to there and painted into a corner, as it were, if it makes it that far, then I'm not going to settle for settleing out of court. If I am going to do this, then I will want to push it to it's limit and make sure that it goes public, so that this will stop happening to other employees at other companies.
This type of thing is happening all over. Force an employee who has years of service out, even if they have to paint it up as something other than what it is, while bringing in a new employee to replace them and the company benefits. But this is where the public hurts, take an average of five years ago of what the companies expertize is based on an average of length of service, and compare that to today to see just how scary that is, when anything can go wrong. The neighboring community hurts, especially in case where that neighboring community relies on that company being at it's safest.
My question is this, what course of action is left to me, other than suing the company?
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