My husband and I are getting a divorce. When he moved out, not paying anything for child support and all, I had allowed my neighbor ( referred to as "he")to run his small business from my home in order to make ends meet (I did data entry and he was a sole worker for his painting company). In the mist of all this he had gotten my husbands personal information and opened credit cards. He maxed them out. My husband and I where unaware of this until letters for collections started coming in, since bills for the cards weren't coming to my home. The kick to this is that he had had several cash withdrawls on the cards as well as purchased large appliances but these where all sent to my address (of course my husband doesn't live here). As I was working a full time job (not related to this company he had) at the same time I was unaware of any of these purchases or cash withdrawls. They want to take my husband to collections and my husband wants me to pay it because I let this person have acces to my house. We're still in the middle of a divorce and he wants me to take on the debt, but I knew nothing about this. What are my options? Thank You.