Complicated problem

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My name is Valeria and I am from Russia. In the beginning of summer 2010 I bought a car for myself in the US. I m only tourist with guest visa so I didn't have any documents such as American driver license or ID for car registration. That's why I asked one guy to register the car to his name. And also he made the insurance. There was no my name in any documentations. Only his name. Each month I paid for the insurance and couple times for car`s repair. In the end of summer I went back to Russia and left my car waiting for me. In the end of December I returned in the US. Took my car and almost the next day got the car accident. It was not my fault. My car was crashed deadly and the insurance company promised that they gonna pay me full amount of my car`s price. I started that my car`s title and insurance was on the name one guy. That's why insurance company always was talking to him. He promised me when he will get the check he gonna transfer the money to my bank account. Now It s almost 2 month gone since the car accident happened. That guy tells me that still didn't get the check. Now I know that he is lying to me. I called to insurance and they told me that send the money a month ago. Now I understand that guy is not going to give my money back. What should I do in this situation? Can I bring an action against him? I have some evidences that car was mine – documents of buying process (but with his name on top), many witnesses which can tell that it was my car, foto and also I recorded the phone conversation with that guy where he agree that it was my car and he owes me the money but he is not gonna do it. Do I have any chance to get my car`s money back and punish that thief?
And one more question. Did I broke the law when I registered the car to someone's else name and used the insurance?

Sorry for my english! and thank you!
My name is Valeria and I am from Russia. In the beginning of summer 2010 I bought a car for myself in the US. I m only tourist with guest visa so I didn't have any documents such as American driver license or ID for car registration. That's why I asked one guy to register the car to his name. And also he made the insurance. There was no my name in any documentations. Only his name. Each month I paid for the insurance and couple times for car`s repair. In the end of summer I went back to Russia and left my car waiting for me. In the end of December I returned in the US. Took my car and almost the next day got the car accident. It was not my fault. My car was crashed deadly and the insurance company promised that they gonna pay me full amount of my car`s price. I started that my car`s title and insurance was on the name one guy. That's why insurance company always was talking to him. He promised me when he will get the check he gonna transfer the money to my bank account. Now It s almost 2 month gone since the car accident happened. That guy tells me that still didn't get the check. Now I know that he is lying to me. I called to insurance and they told me that send the money a month ago. Now I understand that guy is not going to give my money back. What should I do in this situation? Can I bring an action against him? I have some evidences that car was mine – documents of buying process (but with his name on top), many witnesses which can tell that it was my car, foto and also I recorded the phone conversation with that guy where he agree that it was my car and he owes me the money but he is not gonna do it. Do I have any chance to get my car`s money back and punish that thief?
And one more question. Did I broke the law when I registered the car to someone's else name and used the insurance?

Sorry for my english! and thank you!

You have no standing to bring a lawsuit.

The car was LEGALLY his car.

You created a LEGAL ruse to register the car.

The car was destroyed and the car's LEGAL owner has been compensated.

You have no LEGAL recourse to receive one dime of the LEGAL owner's money.

But, you knew that, didn't it?

Come on, what if HE had done this in YOUR country?

Don't break (or circumvent) our laws and defraud our companies and expect our courts to rescue you.

Your hands are unclean.

You have no legal recourse.

This is an expensive lesson.

Don't come to our country and break our laws.

We wouldn't do that in your country.
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I got only one important thing. Tourist in the US have to take bus every day and spend for it $150 mouthly. It was crazy for me. I wanted to make all things right. But your laws do not permit me as a guest to register the car on my name.
In my country we usually trust to words that come from our friend`s mouth. He gave me the word. I thought it s enough.
I don t have any claims to your law or insurance system. I just wanted to punish bad person.
Thank you!
And one more question. If I will call to insurance company and tell the truth story. Will they take the money back from his account? I don t want he would spend my money. It will be much better if the insurance company keep it
The insurance company will not take any money from him. They paid the owner of the car - him.

Your only recourse (and it may be a long shot) would be to sue him for breach of contract. if you had a verbal agreement - and you can somehow prove it - he may have to pay you something. But, that's going to be the hard part - how do you prove it? Do you have receipts that show YOU paid the bills on the car? Do you have a written contract with him?

You tried to get around the system and it appears to have backfired on you. So, next time, go out and get that legal documentation so that you can buy, register, and insure your own car next time.
Do you have receipts that show YOU paid the bills on the car? Do you have a written contract with him?

I have several receipts for oil changing, i have receipt on car`s electric sensor repair. I have some documentation on the car from dialer when i ve just bought the car. I dont have a written contract with him. But I recorded the phone call where he is telling the truth (in Russian:)
I m not going to do something like that ever anymore! Honestly, I did not think that I was doing something wrong. I paid all bills, I paid insurance... Ok, now I understand that I made a mistake. But he broke the law much worse then me. And he got compensation for that. It s killing me!
I have several receipts for oil changing, i have receipt on car`s electric sensor repair. I have some documentation on the car from dialer when i ve just bought the car. I dont have a written contract with him. But I recorded the phone call where he is telling the truth (in Russian:)
I m not going to do something like that ever anymore! Honestly, I did not think that I was doing something wrong. I paid all bills, I paid insurance... Ok, now I understand that I made a mistake. But he broke the law much worse then me. And he got compensation for that. It s killing me!

Let's start with your ILLEGAL recording of your telephone conversation.
Pennsylvania requires BOTH parties to consent to such recordings.
So, absent his express written consent to such a conversation, you could be charged with a felony in Pennsylvania.

Besides, if it were LEGAL to record such a conversation, it would cost you a pretty penny to get the conversation translated by a licensed Russian language translatoir and then transcribed verbatim.

You have learned an expensive lesson.

Do not do oral agreements with anyone, UNLESS you trust them implicitly.

Apparently, you couldn't trust this creep.

You have no LEGAL recourse.

This creep beat you.

He took every penny of what could have been your money.

You will never see a dime of that money, LEGALLY.

You are free to do what you wish.

I suggest you just let this go and move on with your life.

Live and learn, madam, live and learn!!!
Pennsylvania requires BOTH parties to consent to such recordings.

OMG! I m gonna stop to watch Hollywood movies:)
It s a weird. How can I ask his permission if he is interested in covering the truth? I should record a video?)

Ok, I m done. Thank you! I hope God will punish him
OMG! I m gonna stop to watch Hollywood movies:)
It s a weird. How can I ask his permission if he is interested in covering the truth? I should record a video?)

Ok, I m done. Thank you! I hope God will punish him

Yes, our laws are complicated.
But, every country has it's own quirks.
When in Rome...
Yes, our laws are complicated.
But, every country has it's own quirks.
When in Rome...

Our Russian laws never work) Sometimes people like it. For example, I can go and break his nose because he deserves it) And nobody cares it in Russia. But I m not gonna do it in The US)))
Our Russian laws never work) Sometimes people like it. For example, I can go and break his nose because he deserves it) And nobody cares it in Russia. But I m not gonna do it in The US)))

Trust me, that is often the recourse some people take
here, too.

I advise against it, however. :)

I'm curious.

How much of an illicit windfall did this crook reap from your misfortune?
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:))))) I would kill myself if someone took $25000 from me))) No) I got cheap car to drive here and then to sell it) Because I m not gonna live in the US:)

Good choice. The US isn't what it used to be.

I've been here forever, but we're leaving this dump soon.
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