compqny ignors policies then fires me..


New Member
Can a company openly choose to ignore a set policy and then choose to enforce the policy to terminate your employment? I live in Oregon, worked for a Wildland firefighting contractor. I was hired and trained for a promotion just before being terminated.There are more than half a dozen examples where it is undeniable they chose to waive a policy to hire me and that they used that policy to fire me. Do I have legal grounds to persue this?
An employer can change its mind. An employer can be fickle. Those qualities apply to employees, too.

An employer isn't required to provide a reason if you're fired.

Anyone is free to sue anyone they target. You want to sue your former employer, hire a lawyer, or bring the case pro se.

No one can tell you if you have a case unless he or she has all the facts. Talk to a few lawyers in your county, see what advice you can glean.

Good luck.
Policy is not law. For the most part, yes, an employer can disregard their own policies.

While there are exceptions, you have not posted anything so far to suggest there is an exception here. If you believe there is, I'd suggest following AJ's suggestion.
Based just on what you posted, the employer did not do anything illegal. If there was an actual binding employment contract (& not just co. policy) or a rare exception, it's possible answer could change. You would need to discuss with an employment lawyer.

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