conditional payments

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New Member
I filed for U.E. benefits and I am a member of a union. I had sent in a form to have dues automatically taken out every month. Well when I applied for benefits I was asked if I was a union member and if I was current, I stated yes because I thought I was. I later found out they had not been paid now unemployment has me on conditional payments and I believe they will not allow me to collect benefits and have to pay it back. I did get my dues paid up to date and on the out of work list. Has this happened to anyone else and is there anything I can do to continue to receive benefits.
I filed for U.E. benefits and I am a member of a union. I had sent in a form to have dues automatically taken out every month. Well when I applied for benefits I was asked if I was a union member and if I was current, I stated yes because I thought I was. I later found out they had not been paid now unemployment has me on conditional payments and I believe they will not allow me to collect benefits and have to pay it back. I did get my dues paid up to date and on the out of work list. Has this happened to anyone else and is there anything I can do to continue to receive benefits.

If I were you, I'd hot foot it on over to the union hall and ask a union official about the confusion.
I'm sure its happened in the past, and the union helped them fix it.
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