Condo Owner Harassing Other Tenant

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I rent a condo and I need to find out if Missouri or the city of St. Louis has tenant harassment laws or ordinances.

I will need to file a lawsuit against another condo owner who is harassing me to try to get me to move from my rental.
how is he harrassing you? Maybe you don't even need a special law but can proceed with a nuisance action under common law.
After I asked a condo owner to not slam the outside door that is next to my apartment (on a late evening), he has continued to do so and also gotten others in the building (that I can't identify) to slam it also. In St. Louis, calling the police does not work because there is no common ordinance that covers any unnecessary or unusual noises.

I'll check into this nuisance action under common law, because so far, I have possible tenant harassment (New York ord) and abating the nuisance (STL) that I need to confirm before I can file in small claims or civil court in Missouri on my own behalf.
hm, not to disappoint you, but I doubt that the occasional slamming of a door -as upsetting as this might be, I sympathize there with you - would be enough to constitute a "substantial interference with the enjoyment of your property" which would be needed to bring a nuisance action.

Don't you have a homeowners association? They love to deal with things like this.
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