my condo association's snow plow company rear ended my car in my driveway and left the scene [late at night during snow storm]. after much wrangling, their company paid through insurance but not in full. we are in small claims next week.
I am seeking a copy of the contract they had [they've since been fired] during that winter. Property manager says I can view it but not photocopy it. He also said the association's attorney said it would be inadmissible in court.
MA law ch 183 reads:" Such records shall be kept in an up-to-date manner within the commonwealth and shall be available for reasonable inspection by any unit owner or by any mortgagee holding a recorded first mortgage on a unit during regular business hours and at such other times as may be provided in the agreement between the manager or managing agent and the organization of unit owners. Access to said records shall include the right to photocopy said records at the expense of the person or entity making the request."
The last sentence seems clear to me. Am I missing something?