conflict of interest

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i was seeking rehab places when defac was called on me another county had to do the invesgation because my sister is high up in defac in the county i live. I told the case worker i would be poss. drug test and he told me i had to leave the home witched left the care of my daughter to my finaineces mom. I asked the case worker and told him about my sister and asked him not to disscuss my case with her. of course she found put and called my case worker and they discussed my case right after i get a call saying i have to find a suitable place for my daughter right now i could not get a hold of my xhusband and so who does that leave, my sister. now they are telling me i have to sign over gaurdanshop of my daughter toher, mind you we have not been to court or a date been set. i was advised not to get a lawyer but to just sign the papers. i can not obtain legal aid because i have no court date defacs says i wont get a court date unless i dont coorporate but then it would look bad that i did not cooperate. and my sister knows all the juvinel lawyers and judges personaly because they work and see each other on a daily basis. so what if i sign over graundainship? we would have to go back to court when i want it back and if she protests (since she kniws the judges) who do you think will get her? what should i do?
Are you saying that they never once managed to contact the child's father?

Something is wrong with this picture.
i was seeking rehab places when defac was called on me another county had to do the invesgation because my sister is high up in defac in the county i live. I told the case worker i would be poss. drug test and he told me i had to leave the home witched left the care of my daughter to my finaineces mom. I asked the case worker and told him about my sister and asked him not to disscuss my case with her. of course she found put and called my case worker and they discussed my case right after i get a call saying i have to find a suitable place for my daughter right now i could not get a hold of my xhusband and so who does that leave, my sister. now they are telling me i have to sign over gaurdanshop of my daughter toher, mind you we have not been to court or a date been set. i was advised not to get a lawyer but to just sign the papers. i can not obtain legal aid because i have no court date defacs says i wont get a court date unless i dont coorporate but then it would look bad that i did not cooperate. and my sister knows all the juvinel lawyers and judges personaly because they work and see each other on a daily basis. so what if i sign over graundainship? we would have to go back to court when i want it back and if she protests (since she kniws the judges) who do you think will get her? what should i do?

Okay, where is the child's father?

Is dad in prison?

Why do you object to your sister obtaining TEMPORARY custody of the child, if you are unable to properly care for the child?

You might be better served IF you tried to get YOUR life in order.

You can be a BETTER mom, when you have dealt with what ails you!

they never once tried to contact him and he lives in the same county yes we were married at the she was born. the reason i dont want to sign her over is cause they want me to do gaurandainship withch last till your 18 rather then temp custody. if i try to pentetion the courts for her back more then likely my sister will try to keep her
steph14780 said:
no i would rather keep her myself

Well, if what you say is true you have three options I can see.

You can retain an expensive lawyer to fight for you.

You can do what they've requested.

You can see if your ex-husband will intervene and take temporary custody until you get better.

If you have another relative you can trust (mom, dad, grandparents), maybe they could seek temporary custody.

I hope things turn out the way you desire!
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