conflict with business venture

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New Member
I recently opened a salon, where I am financing the equiptment and clientelle from the "retiring" stylist. Although she took the money I have given her and opened up shop in her house with the clintelle she sold me. I dont feel that I should pay her for anything but the equiptment now, but she won't budge on the contracts. What can I do?
Does the contract include a non-compete clause? You may be able to sue for breach of contract, since you didn't actually "get" the client base you're being charged for. Have your attorney review the documents and give you further instructions.
Since she's taking your clients, you can't NOT afford an attorney. Did you just skip over the question and go right to that sentence?

Does the contract include a non-compete clause? You may be able to sue for breach of contract, since you didn't actually "get" the client base you're being charged for.
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