Confused about a matter


Well-Known Member
So I took the ex to his court date yesterday. The only other way he would've gotten there is if he gave someone gas money. I wasn't about to send him or his friends any and I have bail money resting on him showing up so I took him. I didn't get to sit in court because I had our daughter and she is two so doesn't sit still. He tells me that he got another continuance to end of Sept because his lawyer said he hasn't had a chance to talk with him in person. He said he has called his lawyer, set up meetings and the lawyer cancels. I don't know the judge apparently said if he doesn't meet with his lawyer before the next date he would get put back in jail. I said what happens to bail? He said he didn't know. Meeting with his lawyer is not part of his bond so I would think they would just return it. But he is supposed to meet him tomorrow and got a ride miraculously to get there.

The other thing he mentioned that is really confusing is the prosecutor said they are investigating him for a robbery in South Dakota. They didn't say when or where. They haven't even interviewed him. I know for a fact he hasn't been in South Dakota for the last 3 years. The last time he was there is when he got the warrant for simple assault. When we were together and he would take off I had OnStar on my car so I knew where he was and when FB still had locations on messages I could see where he was at. Plus he and his friends knew where to get meth or weed in Nebraska. We went when he was in recovery with the kids once last year around Halloween. I looked up robberies in South Dakota and any of the ones that came up most were solved. The ones that weren't or weren't in the news didn't match him at all. Some had surveillance pics. One was a bank robbery and the person was in an old man mask. I didn't see follow ups to that one.

It seems like they just assume he commits every robbery in the area. His hometown is near the border but...I don't know. I know it's not my problem. He has done a lot of shady, horrible and crappy things but I don't think someone should be arrested or even investigated for something they didn't do. I could see him doing the robbery he is on trial for but I can't see a way he robbed anything up there in SD. Plus I never could get a straight answer on how to get bail back or even in my name from that Podunk county. They don't seem to have their heads on straight at all up there. Their website for the county attorney is even really weird and unprofessional.

Hopefully just two more months and I get that money back and then don't have to talk to him anymore...but who knows with that county. He is going to make it to his court dates because he doesn't want to go to jail. I told him the last thing I heard from the CA is if he was surrendered I'd get less 10% back. Nope. Not going for that.
Hopefully just two more months and I get that money back and then don't have to talk to him anymore...but who knows with that county. He is going to make it to his court dates because he doesn't want to go to jail. I told him the last thing I heard from the CA is if he was surrendered I'd get less 10% back. Nope. Not going for that.

Discussing anything other than the weather, pretty flowers, or isn't that dude or dudette a poor driver is unwise.

Mentioning anything about how you'll get hosed if he absconds is risky.

I know you're trying to protect your investment, but with a "tweaker" ANY and ALL contact is dangerous.

TWEAKERS are very violent, unpredictable, untrustworthy, dangerous critters.

Thank your lucky stars for getting you our unscathed and alive after your most recent contact.

Isn't the "no contact" order still in place?
Be careful, because you could end up getting sanctioned by the court, costing you more money.

I understand wanting to help, maybe the next time (if there is a next time), you put him in a taxi, follow the taxi to the courthouse, and pay the driver.

I also suggest you keep the baby away from the TWEAKER.

TWEAKERS have been known to slaughter babies, as well as adults, as they are equal opportunity abusers.
The other thing he mentioned that is really confusing is the prosecutor said they are investigating him for a robbery in South Dakota. They didn't say when or where. They haven't even interviewed him. I know for a fact he hasn't been in South Dakota for the last 3 years.

Stop trying to vouch for this disgusting, violent, abusive batterer.
You can't fix him.
Only God, or intensive, inpatient rehab, can fix a wretched wreck strung out on meth.

I remind my wife when she says, I know she didn't do it.
I tell her, you only know YOU didn't do it.
No one knows with 100% certainty what another will do.
There are of course exceptions, because of long term associations with certain people.

This guy, the violent, abusive, woman thumper and "tweaker"; I wouldn't turn my back (or allow a tweaker to see 1¢ in my hand), they lie, cheat, steal, without question and act on impulse to get that next high.

Cops investigate lots of things.
Most of the time nothing comes of it.
What surprises me is the prosecutor blabbed about.
That's done to "smoke out" their suspect, get him or her to do something.
You can bet, if he's being investigated, he's also being watched.
If I were you, that alone would be reason enough for you to stay 500 yards (or more) away from him.
Stop trying to vouch for this disgusting, violent, abusive batterer.
You can't fix him.
Only God, or intensive, inpatient rehab, can fix a wretched wreck strung out on meth.

I remind my wife when she says, I know she didn't do it.
I tell her, you only know YOU didn't do it.
No one knows with 100% certainty what another will do.
There are of course exceptions, because of long term associations with certain people.

This guy, the violent, abusive, woman thumper and "tweaker"; I wouldn't turn my back (or allow a tweaker to see 1¢ in my hand), they lie, cheat, steal, without question and act on impulse to get that next high.

Cops investigate lots of things.
Most of the time nothing comes of it.
What surprises me is the prosecutor blabbed about.
That's done to "smoke out" their suspect, get him or her to do something.
You can bet, if he's being investigated, he's also being watched.
If I were you, that alone would be reason enough for you to stay 500 yards (or more) away from him.

I know I can't fix him but I also know that he hasn't been in that state in 3 years. I don't see him. Once in awhile talk on messenger since he's working on finding a place to live and finding a job. I was just surprised the prosecutor said anything when they haven't even had the trial for this case yet. They endorsed an additional witness a state trooper I guess.

They can go ahead and watch me all they want. I don't hang out with him. I took him to court so I can continue to assure I may get the bail back. If I hadn't bailed him out I wouldn't have to talk to him but I did. He'd be in jail right now. But I know where he's been for the last 3 years. I don't think people should be accused of things they didn't do just because of their past. It seems like a waste of time and resources on the part of the county. Not my problem but I'm analyst I analyze things.
Many investigations peter out, so time will tell.

Legally he need not have set foot in SD, if he had any part in the robbery's planning, or its aftermath.

As an example, Joe, Sally, and Leroy meet in Iowa to plan a robbery in Nebraska.

Joe gives Sally and Leroy gas money, masks, gloves, and two pistols to commit the crime.

Sally and Leroy drive to Omaha, stick up a liquor store, gas station, and dry cleaners. After the robbery Leroy calls Joe and arranges a meet in Des Moines with Joe's share of the loot, and to return the two pistols.

Six hours later, they meet at Joe's house, divvy up the loot; and scatter. Sally gets busted because she left a fingerprint at the dry cleaners. Sally spills her guts about Leroy, and gives up Joe.

All three can get charged with several crimes, but a conspiracy charge would apply, as well as the three robberies.

The robbery angle is interesting. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Many investigations peter out, so time will tell.

Legally he need not have set foot in SD, if he had any part in the robbery's planning, or its aftermath.

As an example, Joe, Sally, and Leroy meet in Iowa to plan a robbery in Nebraska.

Joe gives Sally and Leroy gas money, masks, gloves, and two pistols to commit the crime.

Sally and Leroy drive to Omaha, stick up a liquor store, gas station, and dry cleaners. After the robbery Leroy calls Joe and arranges a meet in Des Moines with Joe's share of the loot, and to return the two pistols.

Six hours later, they meet at Joe's house, divvy up the loot; and scatter. Sally gets busted because she left a fingerprint at the dry cleaners. Sally spills her guts about Leroy, and gives up Joe.

All three can get charged with several crimes, but a conspiracy charge would apply, as well as the three robberies.

The robbery angle is interesting. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I'll tell you this - not one of his friends has the fortitude, intelligence, money, vehicle access to do anything outside a five mile radius of their homes. One of his high school buddies finally has a job and quit drinking. The other one lives in his mom's house taking care of her cats. She doesn't live there but owns it. He has a riding lawnmower...not a very good one. The other one I'm not sure what the hell he does. Sits at home and does meth? Divorced.

Any other associates they just deal or facilitate in one of the towns nearby. I have been surprised before but I honestly can't see his little group of hooligans ever having the ability to set up a plan like you described. IN that town, yes. Nearby? Maybe. In another state? No way. That would be giving them way too much credit.

I don't know that whole county just seems like a circus. He wants to ask for a new lawyer since his doesn't even seem to do anything. But who knows? I don't care. I just want the trial done without him getting the bail revoked, get that money and off I go. Never to help him or anyone else ever again.
I don't know that whole county just seems like a circus. He wants to ask for a new lawyer since his doesn't even seem to do anything. But who knows? I don't care. I just want the trial done without him getting the bail revoked, get that money and off I go. Never to help him or anyone else ever again

I never say never, because when i used to say never, I'd always be surprised.

Criminal critters appear to be very dumb, but they do nothing all day 24/7 but plot crimes and scheme.

Please, let me know how this turns out.

What's the critter's name?

I'll make some discrete inquiries.

You have got my spidey senses all tingly and stuff. LOL

This is getting interesting.
I never say never, because when i used to say never, I'd always be surprised.

Criminal critters appear to be very dumb, but they do nothing all day 24/7 but plot crimes and scheme.

Please, let me know how this turns out.

What's the critter's name?

I'll make some discrete inquiries.

You have got my spidey senses all tingly and stuff. LOL

This is getting interesting.

I have a feeling that maybe someone else got arrested and they dropped his name in order to get a deal. But I really, really can't see him involved with a robbery in South Dakota.

I know I should never say never but I am absolutely not helping anyone with money if I ever have it again. The only people I would is my youngest brother (but he would never ask me), his sister because she paid me back immediately when she borrowed $200, my dad and my mom because they help me. My second oldest brother I would. He never asks me for anything either.

Right now it seems like my ex is just figuring out where he's going to live. He's staying in a shelter and that's not stable. He got kicked out one night for not filling out enough applications and they didn't count online applications. I think he's either at his mom's or a friend's house.

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