Confused about child support

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my ex took off with my daughter several years ago. over the last several years she has moved to 3 different states and now resides in WV. Can this be done without my permission ? She has recentely filed for child support against me in WV. im turn this was sent to the MA DOR. does support get calculated by using the MA or WV guidelines?
Change of Venue

She can file in the state in which she lives but you can try to have it changed to where you live. I tried to change my from Michigan to Indiana but my lawyer told me that if my ex wanted to fight that he could have it changed to Kentucky where he lived. Some judges won't let you change venue.

Talk to an attorney. Each state is different on child support issues.

Good Luck
was there any type of vistation outlined by the courts? You should have protested the move the first time. Now it is too late. You can see about filing a motion to the court that will be handling this, asking for relocation restrictions but the time to take action is immediately after she moves the first time.
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