Confused about legal representation

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Recently I was charged with trafficing stolen property and possesion of stolen property.A individualthat i met met at the swapmeet confronted me about my motorcycle that I was selling. He offered me a deal on my bike but i declined. thats when he offered to sell me abike. Curious iasked if it was legitimate not stolen or anything and his reply was no it wasnt and that he had paperwork and keys,maybe 2 weeks or so later he brought the bike buy my house and dropped it off stating that he would be back later to talk to me. He left only the keys not no paperwork ?Well i didnt think anything of it and loaded the bike up to take it to a friends who was interested in buying it. Thats when I was pulled over for a tag violation??? My tags were good so why the pullover? they checked my VIN on the car and bike which came back as stolen.WOW HOLY COW,I wasdumbfounded! Being then under arrest i was chargedwith the followingPoss. of stolen property ,trafficing stolen property. I am innocent but my public defender says that ill lose if i go to trial.What should I do??I ve never been in trouble before and I'm not famaliar with any of these legalsituations N E advice?? Thanx Confused.
So you spoke to the public defender about this. You will understand, that we are not in a position here to give you better advice than your lawyer does. He knows the details of the case, we don't.

You probably can see where your story creates problems: You "bought" the bike from "someone", actually you didn't say if you paid that someone or not. "Someone" did not leave you any paperwork on the bike, no registration, insurance, title.

Yet you go and attempt to bring the bike to another friend to sell it to him, though you dont even have any paperwork.

You see that this sounds not really good. If I would be on the jury and that is what I hear the prosecutor tell me, what do you think what I will decide? You cannot produce "someone", you have no explanation why you drive a bike around for which you have no paperwork at all...

If these were all the details a jury hears, I think your lawyer is pretty much correct.
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