Confused - eviction judgement doesn't say what to do next

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New Member
As the tenant, I have a judgement to pay $x. It says in the judge's writing, "Execution of the judgement & warrant are stayed through 6/29/09 for payment of $x."

It does not say that I need to reappear in court and/or how I prove that I paid my landlord what I owed. I have not submitted the payment yet, but mostly want to make sure that the court know that I complied. I don't have another court date or an attorney.

What do I need to do now? Do I just go to civil court (where this all took place) and show them what I paid? Obviously, I will keep money order receipts & Fed Ex slip.

Thanks for any advice!
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Have you contacted the Clerk of Court office to ask what all this means (they aren't allowed to give legal advice but they're a wealth of information regarding legalize)?

Typically you pay what you owe to the landlord/plantiff and make certain you get a receipt for this. There is often no need to return to court unless the judgement specifies the need to do this.

Often when someone does not pay, the plantiff does not refile in Small Claims court (since this court only deals with financial issues, not criminal ones) but instead will look to avenues such as bank or wage garnishment as a method of collecting money owed.

Was this case handled through Small Claims/Civic/Magistrate court?

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