I know this guy that was away for a school sponsered tennis match, Corpus Christy, Tx. His friends and he went out to clubs one night and were pretty drunk. This girl that had wanted to go out with him years ago found out where he was and met him there. She lives about 7 hours away, San Angelo, Tx. He told his friends he didnt want to see her, and continued to drink. Well, she met up with them and she was not drinkin, if so very little. He doesnt remember what happened but 2 weeks later she called him and told him she was pregnant. He had a paternaty test done and he in fact is the father. Today, they had a negotiation type thing set up, which he talked over the phone, because she is so far away. He is ordered to pay 20% of his income in childsupport, plus insurance, plus back pay. If he decides to go to court does he have a chance in filing possible rape charges? could he win? could he get the payment lowered? O and he wants nothing to do with the child. He doesnt want to be in its life or ever see it.