Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Confused...

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New Member
So today I was caught shoplifting at a department store...I have never done this before and I am kinda freaked out by it. He didn't call the cops or anything. He just told me that I am going to have to pay a fine--which is okay by me. I'd rather pay that than go to jail. I complied with everything that he asked, so now I am just really worried about what is going to happen. I have never gotten in trouble for anything-not tickets, no felonies, nothing. What is going to happen? Since there were no cops involved, what does this mean? I am at college, I don't want my family at home finding out either so I am having the letter from the company sent to one of my friend's apartment. Help me! I was sooo scared when they got me I almost fell over and passed out. I couldn't even cry because I felt like I was in shock.
It means once you pay the fine $50.00 to $1000.00 depending on state and value of what you stole its over. No record other than store and any Retail Theft database they might subscribe to
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