Congratulations to cbg and the Red Sox

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Dear cbg -

Congratulations to the Red Sox, the city of Boston, to you and the rest of the Boston Red Sox fans. I'm sorry Betty, it will have to wait one more year for your beloved St. Louis Cardinals to get their revenge. I cannot root for either team having friends and members on each side of the fence. :) And while I confess that I'm more of a hockey and football kind of a guy, I couldn't help but post an official acknowledgement in the law forum. Hope you're safe and that it doesn't get too rowdy up there!
Yes, the Red Sox did it.

I am a long suffering Tigers and Lions fan, so I know something about disappointment. :cussing:

Nevertheless, congratulations :party: to the Red Sox and all their fine fans.

But, watch out, my toothless Tigers will roar next spring!! LOL :roflmao:
Yes, the Red Sox did it.
I am a long suffering Tigers and Lions fan, so I know something about disappointment. :cussing:
Nevertheless, congratulations :party: to the Red Sox and all their fine fans.
But, watch out, my toothless Tigers will roar next spring!! LOL :roflmao:
LOL!!!! With Miguel Cabrera getting surgery for a problem he had for months and ready for another Triple Crown like year, perhaps next year is the year. They are a fantastic team and sometimes it's just a few inches or degrees that makes the difference. Look forward to seeing them give it another go in 2014!
Thanks, all! We're pretty proud of our boys, and it kinds of closes a loop. The bombings in Boston happened right about the time the season opened; the Sox have throughout the entire season provided support and tribute to the victims and the responders, which did much towards healing the city. The Cards were a great opponent and deserve their title. They deserve the pride their fans have in them.

On to Bruins hockey!!!
cbg, Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox for winning the World Series. They won it fair & square.

I wanted the Cardinals to win it so much for Stan Musial, a WS ring finally for Beltran, for all Cardinal fans including my brother & myself & the Cardinal team. However, I know you wanted the Red Sox to win it for the city of Boston due to the marathon tragedy, Red Sox fans including you & your husband & the Red Sox team.

It was hard for me to congratulate the Red Sox (not that they didn't deserve it) but I felt I was being disloyal to the Cardinals. However, I feel some differently now after thinking about it. It doesn't change the fact that the Cards are a great team & it doesn't change the fact that they are "my" team & I love them when they win or lose. They had a great year - fun & exciting. It doesn't change what they accomplished this year by getting to the W.S. Maybe we will meet again next year. :)

So hats off to the Red Sox & Ortiz is something else & what he accomplished in the WS was amazing. He certainly was deserving of MVP.

What might have been seen as Cards' fans being sore losers or being mad that the Red Sox won was not it - it was our sadness, disappointment & most of all our loyalty to the Cardinals. Betty3

P.S. Thanks for your nice words about the Cardinals.
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