Conspiring Co-workers

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There are two co-workers who work the graveyard shift. I never see them since I work from 8-5. There was an issue regarding over time and since has been reduced to 8 hours of over time per employee instead of which ever employee wants to take it. Because of this, two co-workers are conspiring to get me fired. I built something out of scrap metal that was going to be thrown out, and worked on it only during my lunch hour or when I was clocked out. I never used company time and I only used parts that were scrap. These two employees took pictures of it and stated to other co-workers that if it comes up missing they are going to say that I took it. I am just trying to figure out if it is legally my property, and if these guys can do this. I have a feeling they are going to take it, report it missing and try to blame me. What shoud I do?
What did the company say when you asked if you could use the scrap to build something for yourself? And what did the company say when you asked if you could work on it on their property, using (assumedly) their equipment?

Why don't you just take the whatever-it-is home, out of these guys' reach?
Well the Vice President thought it was pretty cool. I made a large Dolly to be able to move my 900 lb. safe when I move next month. The company has not said anything as far as me taking or not taking it home. I am going to have a meeting with the Supervisors tomorrow to see what they have to say. Also, today I noticed it missing and another employee told me that they had put it on the roof with a forklift, and sure enough, I found it on the roof. Whoever put it up there will get into a lot of trouble considering neither of them have their forklift cert. Also, they have been going into my cabinet at work and taking parts out for machines that I work on and leaving notes like "sorry about you're luck." I work with some childish people who need to learn to grow up and find better things to do, like work.
Just ask permission to keep it, that's all you need.

And no... it is not yours just because you made it. The materials belong to your employer. If they intended the parts to be scrapped anyway, then maybe it won't be hard to get the permission you need to keep it.
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