Conspiring/Harassing co-worker

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I recently transferred to another department, and am having a difficult time with a co-worker. It was mentioned to me by another employee prior to me taking the new position that if I took that position, she would do everything in her power to get me fired and that I wouldn't be there long (I have this in writing). I didn't use this is a deterrent, but in fact spoke with my supervisor before I signed for this position to see if I had anything to be concerned about (She told me "absolutely not, she has no authority over you.")

Since I transferred, she has been spreading rumors about me to my co-workers (telling them things that I never said, for example). She has also made numerous slurs. For example, I work in the medical field. I had a co-worker ask me a question - he wanted to know if I had ever heard of Marinol. I replied "Yes, that is the tablet form of Marijuana." He said "Well then why would this patient be inquiring about a THC level?" I replied "Because that's the chemical name for this drug." He said "Oh, I should know that." The co-worker I am having a problem with stated "Well, the reason we probably don't know what it is, is because we don't smoke marijuana!" (The whole time she was shaking her head toward me and rolling her eyes, implying that I do). I was very bothered by this.

She has been monitoring all of my activity and reporting it to my co-workers, and also my manager. I found a list in my desk drawer the other day (I share my desk with other co-workers on occasion) and found a log of all of the things she is accusing me of doing wrong (none of which are true). She also came storming into my cubicle the other day hollering at me and accusing me of shutting my phone off (because she received 2 calls in a row, which happens sometimes). She pointed her finger inches from my face, I thought she was going to slap me. I just ignored her and very professionally said "Excuse me, but no, I did not shut my telephone off..." I felt very threatened by this.

I have been doing exceptionally well at this job, and have recently completed a leadership training program, am on numerous committees, and have recently been put in for another raise. I am a very nice person, do not gossip at work, and don't understand why she is she doing this to me. She is on a personal mission to destroy my character.

I am so upset because I love my co-workers, but they have lost respect for me and don't talk to me any longer because they actually believe the things she is telling them. I have tried talking to them but this other woman comes across as very believable. She is nice to everyone but me. For the record, she was forced to resign from her previous job for the same issues. I have went to my boss on numerous occasions but she just keeps blowing it off, telling me not to be concerned about it. I am concerned, because it has ruined my relationship with my peers, caused me a great deal of anxiety, and I am embarrassed and stressed out 100% of the time while I am there now, which is sad because I truly love my job. I feel like I no longer have any friends there.

I finally wrote a letter addressing my concerns the other day and gave a copy of it to the union, they told me it sounded like I was working in a "hostile work environment" and that this demanded attention. I thought "hostile work environment" pertained more to discrimination type of remarks. This is more of a conspiracy issue - I don't feel she has the right to be doing these types of things, especially monitoring my activity in her current position.

What are your thoughts? After I gave my boss the letter, she said she would read it sometime and get back with me, that was almost a week ago. Obviously it is not important to her. I should also add that i am a government employee. Also, the last person that she did this too WAS fired, similar circumstances... This is what makes me nervous. Thank you...
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Your union should know better.

A hostile work environment doesn't mean people are mean to you... it means you are being treated in a way that directly violates specific law ... like, as you mentioned, discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, sex, etc.

if that is happening, you didn't mention it.

There are always these toxic people at any workplace. I have found that the less you respond and the more you act in a way opposite to the way that person describes you, the less credibility that person has.

In other words, use your actions against her words.
The law doesn't say anything; it is silent. Agree with Cyjeff. If your management wants to put up with this childish behavior, there is no law that is going to force them to change.
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