constant harrassing neighbor

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

So I live in a gated community for condos, the neighbor directly across from me is constantly backing her car into plants by our doorway. I have put up a cone to block her from doing any futher damages to my planters but continues to knock it over. Also she continuely is verbally harrassing my elderly Mother who is home alone during the day. We have a homeowners association to which I have made several complaints against her and its pointless. She has followed me to work, and other family members. She was in a verbal altercation with my father, and he died of a heart attack the following day. I have taken her to court to file a restraining order but it was rejected since she lied about all the incidents. I am desperate for some advice/help. I dont want the same thing that happened to my dad to happen with my mom. What can I do?
First of all, documentation is key to this sort of matter. Without facts you can see, or touch, your word means nothing. You must provide evidence that she is trespassing, causing damages to your property, and harassing you verbally. Keep a record listing the date, time, and persons involved during each incident involving her. Take pictures of damages done to your property, and her car as well (being that she can't do too much damage to your property without leaving visible proof on her own vehicle)... try to do this without trespassing on her property, which will get you into some trouble of your own. Also, if you had any witnesses willing to provide written testimonies to her behavior, you have a case! Sue her! Most people don't stop with restraining orders, and you probably didn't have sufficient proof leaving it up to "your word against hers." Obviously, one person must be lying, but without proof, your case would have to be thrown-out.
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