Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Consumption by a minor

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New Member
I was recently at a party where there was massive amounts of drinking. I had a few sips before police showed up and broke up the party. I am age 20, and so was escorted into the room with the rest of the underage drinkers. I knew I would fail a breathalizer, because of the not a drop policy, but I was never breathalized. The officer gave me a Consumption ticket, but my friend who was drunker than I, left with no ticket. I am wondering if there is any advice on how to handle my court date. I was not drunk, so was not showing signs of drinking, and didn't blow on the breathalizer. Should I bring my friend? Should I just take my hits and get on with it, or do you think I am have a worthy defense? Thanks for your help. This occured in Salt Lake County, Utah.
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