contempt and military deployment

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My son's father's wages are attached. He is in the USMC and DFAS sends payments directly to PASCDU. The order is for $635 monthly and $20 arrears. It has been about $90 short for the last few months. There has always been a balance, and the arrears just got to $740. We had an enforcement conference last week, where they told him to either pay $400. in 30 days, or have a contempt hearing on Oct. 26th. He is scheduled for deployment in the first week of September, so they had to cancel the contempt hearing. They told him that they still expect him to send an extra payment to help satisfy arrears. They told me that while he is in Iraq, the can not hold him accountable for anything, and once he comes back we'd have to start fresh. Does that mean when he comes back from deployment 7 months from now, they can not enforce arrearages from now? I am totally confused on this. The way I understood it was that if he's still not making full payments when he comes back, we can hold him accountable from that time forward. Please shed some light for me. I find it hard to believe that he can not be held accountable for arrears when he returns.
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